The Bible saved her from UFOs and every deception
Hi my name is Alexandra. And I’m
here to share my testimony today with you all about how I went from New Age to Christianity,
and actually how the Lord brought me from the New Age to Christianity. So I guess
I’m just gonna start. So…
I first want to say that all
the glory goes to God. I seriously praise God, because without Christ I am
nothing and can’t do nothing and am nothing without Him. So I want to start
with that. And I also want to start with a Bible verse. It’s in the book of
Psalms. So it’s Psalm 120 verse 1, “In my distress I called unto the Lord; and
He heard me.”
And then the book of John in
the New Testament, chapter 3 verse 1 to 5,
‘There was a man of the
Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:
The same came to Jesus by
night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that Thou art a teacher come from God:
for no man can do these miracles that Thou doest, except God be with Him.
Jesus answered and said unto
him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see
the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus saith unto Him, How
can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s
womb, and be born?
Jesus answered, Verily,
verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he
cannot enter into the kingdom of God.’
So, one more verse before I start.
It’s in the book of Matthew, and it’s chapter 3 verse 2. And I have here
written down, Matthew 4 verse 17. So it’s basically John the Baptist and Jesus
both preached this. They say, ‘Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at had.’
Now this Bible, however many
years ago it was written, it’s still at had. So, I’m here to say, in the words
of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is
still at had.’ That’s my words, added in the ‘still’, but, it is at had. And
spiritual warfare, it’s going on right as we speak. But, as a Christian we are
safe, and we can be at peace in that.
Now I didn’t always, I wasn’t
always like this for me. I grew up Roman Catholic. And I remember reading, when
I was 10 years old, the Bible because, as part of catechism, we were required
to read the Bible on our own. It wasn’t part of regular schooling. It was like
on the weekends.
And so, I remember opening it
and reading about this man named Jesus. And I remember loving what He teached.
And I remember loving His soul, and who He was. And that’s all I remember about
Jesus when I was 10.
Actually I remember like going
to church with my mom and being inquisitive, or like curious as to like, ‘Hmm Christianity?’
Or, at the time it was Catholicism because I went to a Catholic school and
So, I remember asking the
priest questions. I don’t know what questions I asked, but I would just ask
him. I just remember that. But anyway…
After I got confirmed,
because in Catholicism there’s this sacrament called confirmation. That’s
basically like you are accepting the Holy Spirit, you get confirmed in the Holy
Spirit. And I did feel the Lord’s like presence there. But what ended up
happening was High School happened. I got my first boyfriend, and totally
forgot about the Lord. Didn’t think about God and Jesus at all. Didn’t even really
consider faith. Although I did, at one point, when I was like 10, wrote in my
diary, ‘God and Jesus, They understand me most.’ But that was all about that.
So, teenage years happened, I
got my first boyfriend, forgot about the Lord, graduated High School, that
relationship ended. I was really upset about that, so naturally, college comes
and you want to party. You want to party. You want to just get drunk and have
fun, and just be reckless, chase boys, and all that kind of stuff. And so that’s
what I did.
My first year at college, I just
drank. I found a bunch of friends who wanted to do the same things I did, which
was drinking. And that’s what happened. So we drank a lot. And [I] ended up
opening my eyes one day and there was a needle in my arm. There was an I/V line
in my arm because I laid myself up in a hospital after doing like ten shots of
like 80 proof within a half hour.
And that didn’t scare me
enough, I don’t think. So I didn’t thank the Lord that I was alive, you know,
because I was basically almost dead. I don’t remember too many details of that
night. But, He saved my life. But I didn’t know it was Him at the time. I didn’t
care. Still drank, but drank less. I did drink less because I was a little
freaked out.
But, continued to just party,
really. And then, got my second boyfriend and he introduced me to marijuana. So
I smoked marijuana all the time. With him, and we broke up–that relationship
didn’t last long—when we broke up I continued
to smoke marijuana, and I would continue to smoke weed all the time. And you know
it seemed like the greatest thing. Right? It seemed so fun. You smoke. You get
high. You watch cartoons. You eat your favorite food. You talk about life in
the universe and aliens and you know, the stars and galaxies and like any crazy
stuff cool things you can think about, and how you know oh we’re just, you
know, oh, we’re a lifeform, or like great! You know.
So I introduced my brother to
smoking weed. So we would smoke weed together. And he’s 4 years younger than I.
And we would smoke weed together and we started looking up conspiracy theories,
like on YouTube. And got into the New Word Order, crazy stuff, like really
crazy stuff. Got into the New World Order, got into conspiracy theories. You
name it, we got into it. Kept smoking weed. I stopped drinking, but I kept
smoking weed because it was great. I liked it, smelled good. I thought it was
And then I started
meditating. Right, so... Right. So [I] looked up YouTube conspiracy theories
led into meditation. Then it was deep meditation, Buddha and Lazou (sp?), and I
had a Tumblr [account] and I would post all this stuff about, like the third
eye, and anything crazy you can think of, like gifs that would repeat the same,
like inner eye and the pineal gland, and all that. We got into all that stuff.
I believed all that stuff. Crystals, astrology, you name it. Buddha and Lazou,
their teachings. I was enthralled with it. I though this was great.
I thought I was above
everybody else because it was all about me. Organic eating, healthy eating. In
the form of selfishness. Right? But I didn’t realize it at the time. Thinking
about myself all the time. Wanting to meditate, wanting to ascend to higher
dimensions. Wanting to be kind of like a god, you know. I would, I would
actually astral-project. I would get into a deep state of meditation. I would
leave my body and I like would go down my street. That’s as far as I would go
get. Some of the people I wanted to be like, they could like go into the moon,
or something like that. And that was my goal.
So, I started seeing UFOs. So
my mom and my brother can be a witness to me. Oh wait. Before I would see UFOs
I would go see psychics. So I wanted to know my future. I wanted to know my
life was perfectly mapped out. And what was going to happen next. Who I was
going to marry? And all this stuff. So, I did. I was seeing psychics, still
smoking weed, still meditating, thinking I was doing great. And meditation was
what? You go and like meditate for 20 minutes, you feel this extreme peace, or
what you think is peace, and then you go about, something band happens, and you’re
in the same band mood as before.
So I was attaining something
that I couldn’t quite reach, and I wasn’t quite sure why. So after the psychics
I started seeing UFOs. So I saw 10 golden things in the sky appear and I thought
I was the coolest person in the world. Ancient aliens was really famous at the
time and I was watching it with my brother as we were smoking weed, and all
that good stuff. And then they would fade out one by one. They would fade out
and I would call my brother and my mother. We would sit out on the deck and
they would see them too. And it would be every time I would walk outside, a light
would appear in the sky.
And at first I thought it was
just really cool. Like, ‘Oh I am so worthy that the aliens are coming to me. I must
be really ascended. My meditation must be really paying off. And we’re all one
in the world. And we love everyone. And love is love. And that was my mindset
at the time…until…my brother, he started talking about Jesus. And I was like, ‘Why
are you talking about Jesus? You’re crazy. My brother is schizophrenic. Why is
he talking about Jesus? Jesus even existed? Oh great, now we can’t smoke weed
anymore because he’s talking about Jesus all the time’—or not all the time. But
he just started talking about Jesus out of nowhere.
And I remember crying on the
back deck of my pool, with my mom and my brother with me. I remember crying that
I did not want the Bible to be true. And that’s when he started talking about
the Bible.
So my brother stated talking
about Jesus and the Bible. And I remember thinking he was crazy. And I was like,
‘Great. We can’t smoke weed together anymore because he’s talking about Jesus
and the Bible. And so I remember crying out on the back pool deck with my mom
and my brother, and I was crying that I didn’t want the Bible to be true.
And why didn’t I want the Bible
to be true? That would mean that I’m a sinner, there’s a God that’s higher than
I will and could ever be, and I need to repent of my sins, say I’m sorry to God,
and, you know, the consequences are hell and death. And I didn’t want that to
be true. And calling on the name of Jesus, I didn’t really even think of that.
So what ended up happening
was, I was in my bathroom one night. And I looked up in the sky and saw a UFO
appear. And at this point I was tired of seeing lights in the sky, UFOs,
psychics, New Age. I have had it with it. I was at this point like I’ve had it
with it because I would get panic attacks like ten times a day at least. Just constant
panic attacks, always on edge, I didn’t want to see the UFOs anymore. I felt
fear, extreme fear and dread, all the time.
And I didn’t know what was
happening to me. I thought that I must have lost my mind five times. Now my
brother’s talking about Jesus. It was just a very unsettling experience.
However…. Or so I thought. So however, in the bathroom, saw the UFO in the sky,
called out my brother, ‘I’m scared. Help. What do I do? They’re following me
everywhere.’ He called out from his room, ‘Just go read the Bible.’ ‘Just go read
the Bible.’ I think he only said it once, ‘Just read the Bible.’
So I did. I went in my room.
I closed the door behind me, took the Bible off the dresser that had probably an
inch thick of dust on it (I’m exaggerating). But, anyway, I dusted off my dusty
Bible. I opened it and I started reading. And at first it just looked like
words on a page. Sitting in my room, scared, fear, trembling, crying, all this
emotion, terrified that I was being followed by aliens and all this stuff,
extreme fear. So as I was reading my Bible, it was just like words on a page.
So I opened to the gospels, I
don’t remember which one it was. It was either Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.
And I was reading where Jesus comes in and Jesus is saying, and what Jesus is
speaking about and teaching about. And I remember that feeling when I was 10
years old, the little girl loving this man named Jesus, loving His teaching, loving
Him. And in that next moment, open Bible, I said one name. I said, ‘Jesus, I’m
sorry.’ And in that instant this immediate peace that transcended, surpassed
all understanding came into my heart. And it’s never left.
And I didn’t know what just
happened to me. It was this pure peace that I never got meditating, never got
astral projecting, never got anywhere else. This pure peace was in my heart.
And I went to bed.
As the weeks rolled by there
were no more UFOs. After that point I…didn’t see one more in the sky. Up until
now I can tell you no more UFOs. I haven’t seen not one. And I’m not gonna see
another UFO again because the Lord delivered me. And I didn’t know that by
doing…I literally just called on the name of Jesus in my room. I said, ‘Jesus?’
I searched for Him. I searched for His soul. I said, ‘Jesus.’ I humbled myself.
I denied myself. I said, ‘Jesus, I’m sorry.’ He heard my cry. I never read the Bible
before, ever. Like Mathew, Mark, Luke, John when I was young I read like here
and there. But once I started reading more and more of the Bible what I did, that
whole thing that God led me to do, happened to me.
So for instance, in Acts, it’s
a book in the Bible. Acts, chapter 4 verse 12. ‘Neither is there salvation in
any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby
we must be saved.’ Wasn’t Buddha, wasn’t Lazou wasn’t Krishna, or other gods.
It was Jesus Christ who saved my soul. And praise the Lord that He saved my
soul! Nothing that I could have done. It was a gift that God gave me. And in John
chapter 6 verse 37,38, ‘All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and him
that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not
to do Mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me.’
So basically the Father drew
me closer to Jesus. I didn’t know this. In that instance when I called on His
name, ‘Jesus, I’m sorry,’ when I called on the name of the Lord in my own room,
didn’t need a priest, I said, ‘Jesus,’ I humbled myself. I said, ‘I’m sorry’
for any sins that I ever committed. He heard my cry and He didn’t cast me out.
He sent His holy Spirit into my heart. That was His peace that I felt was His Spirit,
the holy Spirit. So there’s the Father, Son, holy Spirit. He sent that Spirit
into my heart. And, praise God! So, you know, I, I, just, you know, I basically
want to say a few more scriptures, you know, just to say that the Lord has done
great things for me and has had compassion on me. I thought I was so cool being
spiritual, and New Age, and smoking weed and this. No, that’s not it. What that
is is a deception that the devil uses, and he’s good at it.
And, you know, actually, if
you read more into the Bible, God causes strong delusion. If we’re not worshipping
God through His Son Jesus Christ if we’re not believing that God sent Jesus to
die for our sins, God will…that’s why we’ve got to fear God. We don’t have to
fear people. We have to fear God because God will cause the fear. God will
cause the fear and He used that for His glory and my good. Because that fear
that I was feeling, pushed until my brother called out, ‘Just read the Bible,’ that
was God working through my brother to get to me. Because when I humbled myself
and I said, ‘Jesus, I’m sorry’, He gave that to me. It was a given to me. It was love. It was pure love. And all the
glory goes to God and Jesus.
And like seriously, the New
Age is a very strong deception. The devil has really good tactics. He makes it
look like light and peace and love and joy and nomus dei (sp?). And no, that’s
a deception. That’s a false love, a false love, a false hope. The only true
hope, the true joy, the true peace, the true love, comes from Jesus Christ. Just
Jesus. And He loves you and He loves everyone. And you just have to….He wants a
personal relationship. You have to call on His name. Go into your room alone.
But, search for Him with your heart. Your heart has to be in it, you know. He
delivered me. I don’t smoke weed anymore. I don’t’ see UFOs. Psychics are an
abomination to God. I worship my Father, and Jesus too.
And there’s some scripture
here. Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 10 to 12, ‘There shall not be found among
you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or
that useth divination, one who practices witchcraft [or an observer of times],
or one who interprets omens [an enchanter], or a sorcerer [a witch], or a
charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of
these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.’
That’s still applicable today
in the forms of psychics, astrology. You go on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, be
careful what you’re reading. Because all that Gemini stuff is…you know, the
devil calls me a Gemini. I used to be all about that astrology. But you know
what, it’s the devil…you want to know what sign I am? The devil says I’m a
Gemini. You don’t want don’t want to mess with that. You don’t want to mess
with God. You want to turn to God. You want to love Him. And, you know, you
want to feel His presence. He loves you. You know, you got to say, ‘I’m sorry,’
though. We’re all sinners. We have to humble ourselves.
And the New Age stuff, it’s
all about me, me, me. How can I ascend? How can I eat healthy, blah, blah,
blah. You know, God likes healthy eating. He created the healthy food. But with
Jesus, His commandment, Jesus’ commandment above all things is to love God with
all your heart all you soul, all your might, all your strength. And the second
one is like unto that, which is love you neighbor as yourself. You have to put
others before your own needs. That’s how Jesus knows that you are His true
disciples. And that’s how Jesus knows that you truly love Him. If you love
others. Are they hungry are they thirsty. If they drop something, can you go
reach out and grab it. That’s what we’re talking about here.
So I thank you for listening
to my testimony. And I thank the Lord almighty, most of all that He saved me
and delivered me. And I just really praise God. And I pray that this testimony,
Father in Jesus’ name, reaches out to people, and just encourages people to
trust in the Lord, to turn to the Lord, and repent of your sins. You need to
humble yourself before the Lord and repent of your sins. You need to humble
yourself before the Lord and say you’re sorry. It can be in your room, you don’t
need a priest. Go right to God and Jesus. And read the Bible. You don’t need to
go to church. Church is good for fellowship. Right? God likes fellowship. But He’s
looking for people to worship Him in truth and in sincerity. And that’s the
most important thing.
So for parting words, I will
say, ‘Praise God!’
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