Another precious young soul surrenders to the pull of God
“Oh that men would praise the
LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” (Ps.
This is another excellent account of the difficult path to find Jesus. In the end, their doctrine might be flawed, but the newborns in Christ are filled with the Spirit. The newly regenerated are anxious to please their new King. They may be rough around the edges. Their doctrine may need to be tweaked on their path of sanctification. But they are those lone lost sheep that genuinely repented, and the Shepherd caught up to them and rescued them from the teeth of the ravening wolves.
So, here is Josh.
“Hello. I’ve never made a
video before. And probably will never again. But, I need to make this one, cuz
God says the best way to help out is to tell your testimony. So, that’s what I’m
gonna do. Because I think He’s given me a pretty…He’s saved me from a lot.
So, pretty much I was raised
up in a Christian family with a Christian upbringing. It wasn’t like super
strict. But, we went to like church every once in a while. I’d go to camps and
stuff. But I wasn’t like actively seeking God. I just, you know, thought, ‘All
right there’s a Dude in the sky who made everything. I should probably be nice
to that Guy.’ But my friends went. Actually that’s the real reason I went to
church stuff.
But, once stuff started to go
wrong in my family and in my life, I instantly like, I just didn’t comprehend like
why God would let something like that happen. And my family split. My dad went
to rehab a bunch of times, went down a wrong path over and over again. And I was
praying all the time, like, ‘God help us out with, like, [the utility] bills, help us out
with anything. Help my dad get better.’ And it just seemed like He wasn’t ever
So like, probably like 8th
grade or freshman year I lost my faith. I pretty much said, ‘This whole God
thing is a bunch of baloney. Like, there’s no way with the state the world’s in,
with how my life’s going, that like there’s a Dude, an all-loving God, who
watches over us.’ So, pretty much, I figured if there wasn’t a Guy in the sky
judging me, then I was just gonna do what I wanted. And I started making
pretty poor decisions for myself. I was just constantly angry and sad kind of
mindset. But if I was intoxicated I didn’t really care, so that is what I kept
I got to the point eventually
where I had this philosophy where like if God isn’t real, and there’s no
afterlife, why stick around for the [detestable] parts of life. So I figured I’d do
everything I planned to do on a bucket list, and that I would, you know, kind
of experience the good parts of life. But once it came to do work and the hard stuff, like after high school, I planned on just checking out [suicide? overdose?].
I’m not there anymore, thank
God, but like that’s where I was at. So pretty much on this journey when I was
just thinking, ‘Well I’m just do the fun parts’, I also got real into space and
scientists. And the one scientist who I really liked was Nicola Tesla. And he talks
about how…. One day I was reading his stuff about how he got all of his
information from the spiritual realm. And I’d been an atheist for a year, so
this didn’t [set well with me, it] like hit me. And I was like, ‘What? How is a
scientist getting stuff from the spiritual realm?’
So, then I was looking into
more things, and I was like, ‘OK. Tesla’s nuts. Screw him.’ And I started
looking into Einstein. But Einstein then said that he thought Tesla was the
smartest dude that ever lived. And he started talking about God too. So then I really
was getting kind of like, I was kind of getting thrown off my base because like
my two big guys in science department were starting to talk about God.
So, I don’t know, I always
had a friend who always told me… We would always get into arguments [with him] about how I
would always say, ‘There is no God.’ And he’d pretty much get pretty flustered,
and then tell me, ‘There was.’
Skip and a hop, then I started
looking into eastern philosophies, and stuff like that. And pretty much, I started
getting into meditation. I started looking into astral projection. And
eventually I got pretty much into this thing—I didn’t think I was in it—and it’s
called the New Age. They believe, and I believed at the time, if God created
everything, they then think that everything is God. And with that,
you can then through dimensional ascending—it’s really stupid, but I really
believed it, and a lot of people do—you can ascend and become like God. And
not in the sense that I can *poof* a duck into existence, or something. But
like, they believe you can control your own reality.
It’s like a lot of Egyptian
philosophy tied in with, like I said, a lot of eastern philosophy. And so I got
into this. And I read about some people, how they got into talking to ,like, spirit guides or, like, maybe like, some people even say, like, “aliens”. But to
me it came in the form of… like I was in deep meditation. And if you
meditate…the reason…. If you wonder how, like, I all the sudden became atheist and
like New Age was, like, if you would do these meditations long enough, your ‘chakras’
or whatever it is, you would feel.... You ever been at a vibrating chair at the
mall? Where you’d put a quarter in and it would like—that’s what it would feel
like. It’s like, ‘Bmmmm.’ Like, kind
of like, your body vibrates.
So I completely believed it.
Because, like, “I’m having spiritual experiences. This must be right.”
Eventually I was in an hour meditation
one day, and ‘my higher self’ came to me. And I pretty much thought it was a
higher dimensional Me talking to me. Because they believe in multiple
dimensions of existence. And it was…[it] started to kind of like inform me of how
things worked, and if I wanted to manifest my reality, how to make it happen.
And I started to do these practices. And it definitely was working. I was
getting what I wanted without much work. Things were going my way all the time.
And so I was doing this, and
doing this. And I was always just like getting ‘positive affirmations’ from my
guide that I was doing a good job. But as I dug more and more, like I started
to get a little more fishy about things. I started to see like how corrupt the
industry was, and how it sold—like how people were completely soul-less, like they sell their soul for fame. If you don’t believe me, well, fine. But if you are a
Christian and don’t believe me, it’s literally in the Bible that people do
this. Like you can’t tell me I’m wrong, if you are a Christian.
But I wanted to manifest my
reality. And so I started to do these things. And finally it came to a point
where—I don’t know [how to say it]—I mean it’s weird how you can feel the
build-up of it. I mean it felt like I was getting really close to manifesting
what I wanted to manifest.
And one night I was in
meditation, and it was just like, ‘Yeah, you’re doing great. You just have to
keep doing your practices. You just need to keep doing what you need to do. And
like, just like, just,… Btw, Lucifer is God.’
And I was like kind of really
taken back. And I [thought], ‘What? What?’ Because I didn’t [believe that was true]…. I mean, God is
God. The devil isn’t God.
And so pretty much, as soon
as I heard that, I realized that I had been deceived. And that I’d been fooled.
It wasn’t any kind of like, ‘Oh [really? Lucifer is God?]’ It was like, as soon as I heard that
I was like I’m doing the wrong thing here. Because what they teach is that like,
all religions teach the same thing. And that all those people, Jesus, Buddha—they say all of them were the same. So I thought I was doing what they were
doing. But what I was actually doing was this whole, like, hippy thing, ‘Oh, your
chakras and your crystals…’ [In reality,] your crystals don’t bring any kind of
positive energy. All right, if you’re saying this brings positive energy, you
just gave a demon a home, because that’s what you did. And that’s what all
these spirit guides…. That’s when people talk to aliens, that’s when people talk to
whatever, ‘My higher self’, you’re talking to demons. And so this whole thing,
like they’re getting people to ‘open themselves up to positive energy’, or ‘calling
positive energy’—it’s a bunch of [dangerous nonsense]. They’re really just attracting demons.
And like you believe in zodiacs and [the like]—that’s demonic. Like you can’t
be practicing that.
And so, like, pretty much, I
eventually came around to Christianity because I was like, all right, that’s
how I had been raised with, and if these are demonic, and the devil is real, and
he goes by the name of Lucifer, and that’s biblical,... so I went to Christ.
And so, I don’t know, I thought
Christ was all about faith, right? Like you just got to have faith. You got to
have faith. But, for about a month, maybe two after this, after I left and I was
no longer, like, messing with, like, the New Age, and I called myself a Christian,
I was getting messed by stuff incredibly. I was probably getting an hour of
sleep a night. My drawers would move in and out. My closet would open and
close. I was having dreams of me being torn apart by demons, me being dragged
to hell. I was having, I heard like scratching on the walls all the time. I don’t
know, the only thing, my drawers were
literally moving inside, like in and out. Like eventually, after like a month,
I like finally just broke down and told my mom about it all. And it was like, ‘Yeah.
I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I’m crazy. Like, what’s going on?’
So pretty much, she was
pretty much like, I thought she was going to send me to a psych ward, in all
honesty. And she pretty much just told me, ‘All right. You’re going to go to
your God-parents because they’ve dealt with stuff like this before. Which
really shocked me because I thought she was just going to, like, send me away.
But I ended up going to my God-parents for the weekend and they were telling me
about—how like Christianity is about faith—but like, Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit, you can get the Holy Spirit. It’s not like, ‘Oh, I’m going to follow
this Bible the best I can. Like you don’t have to do it on your own strength. You
can do it by the strength of the Holy Spirit.
So one day I just went up to
their church, and this pastor came over me and prayed over me. And I felt like
that ‘vibrating’ that I felt before. But this was like holy. It was weird how
you can tell [the difference], but what I was feeling before was like Dollar
Store quality to what I felt at that church. So pretty much I got what they
called ‘delivered’. And it’s like you get your strongholds and chains broken, and you’re free from all that kind of bondage. And pretty much the Holy Spirit
came on me, and, pretty much, came in me. And I changed, I made changes in my
life that I would have never been able to make on my own. Like I dropped all
kind of drugs and stuff, any kind of sexual interaction. Like, I don’t do any of
that. Like, it made it easy too. It wasn’t on my own. It was an overnight thing, too. It wasn’t on my own strength.
Of course, like I slip up
here and there. But it’s not like a ‘wanting’ task I have [I don’t want to sin]. And like, this [power from God] is the
Bible too, I forget which book it is. But when John was baptizing people with
water. And they’re like, ‘If you aren’t the Messiah, what are you doing?’ And
he says, ‘I will baptize you with water. But the One after me will baptize you
with the Holy Spirit.’ And that’s like something you can actually experience
that’ll actually happen. You don’t have to be just a Christian by faith. You can
like go…it doesn’t have to be a crazy [Holy Roller?] experience. You can literally realize it’s
God working in your life. It’s something He can just do.
So I want to make this video to
kind of give Him glory. Because He literally pulled me out of the jaw of the
devil. Which was sweet. I thank Him for that.
Yeah, I don’t have anything,
no drawers move any more. In my room, no closets move. There’s no more, kind of,
I don’t have really any bad dreams any more. It’s been pretty sweet since. Life’s
been pretty simple.
That’s pretty much all I had to say. I don’t know how to end the video. But, pretty much just avoid those practices, like if you’re thinking about manifesting your reality, like the Law of Attraction, that’s what it’s called, avoid it like…. Egyptian philosophy is all, they teach by fallen angels. There’s no such thing as aliens; they’re fallen angels.
That’s pretty much all I had to say. I don’t know how to end the video. But, pretty much just avoid those practices, like if you’re thinking about manifesting your reality, like the Law of Attraction, that’s what it’s called, avoid it like…. Egyptian philosophy is all, they teach by fallen angels. There’s no such thing as aliens; they’re fallen angels.
I don’t know how to, like, really
tell you, ‘Farewell’. I just felt like giving glory to God because He saved me
from eternal damnation. So, yeah. See ya.”
Another captive of Satan freed, justified, and on the way to being sanctified and glorified! Glory to God in the highest! Peace on Earth! Good will toward men!
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Phil. 4:8).
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Phil. 4:8).
“Praise the LORD from the
earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:
Fire, and hail; snow, and
vapour; stormy wind fulfilling his word:
Mountains, and all hills;
fruitful trees, and all cedars:
Beasts, and all cattle;
creeping things, and flying fowl:
Kings of the earth, and all
people; princes, and all judges of the earth:
Both young men, and maidens;
old men, and children:
Let them praise the name of
the LORD: for His name alone is excellent; His glory is above the earth and
He also exalteth the horn of His
people, the praise of all His saints; even of the children of Israel, a people
near unto Him. Praise ye the LORD.” (Ps. 148:7-14).
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