Another astounding testimony
“Behold, all ye that kindle a
fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your
fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of Mine hand;
ye shall lie down in sorrow.” (Isa. 50:11).
“Enflaming yourselves with idols
under every green tree….” (Isa. 57:5).
“For God hath not given us
the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2Tim. 1:7).
Another recent victorious accession
to the kingdom by the Lord of hosts. Her mind is calm and at peace with the
Saviour who she sought for many years. Her testimony is well articulated and
thoughtful. This is what Paul meant when he wrote the above verse. Her
countenance shows the worn look of Jesus coming out of the wilderness. But she
also evinces the power of victory that her Master also had, the glory of God
shining in Jesus’ face. “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of
darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the
glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2Cor. 4:6).
“And Jesus returned in the
power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of Him through all
the region round about.” (Luke 4:14). Let’s hope that His famed return following
His big battle with the tempter will be the same experience for this young lady,
and for all of us who have also sought fellowship with Him, His steadfast
obedience and repentance, and His sufferings. On her way out of the occult she
met a part of her immediate family who she hadn’t seen since she was a toddler.
They were Christians and while there she experienced a moment of pure love and
bliss and disconnection from anything earthly. Evidently this was the god of
this world, the prince of the power in which fallen humanity lives and
breathes, using this moment of surrender to divert her search back into his
kingdom, and she did return to the occult. But, in the end after patiently continuing to search for the source of all love and truth, and having
surrendered to the only true God, she can look back and distinguish between the
lawful love of Christ, and the lawless love of the occult. And when she did
surrender, she surrendered to the UNKNOWN GOD. “Even the Spirit of truth; whom
the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye
know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” (John 14:17). He had
been completely illusive to her. All she could hope for, in her perfect
free-fall, was that He would catch her into His arms.
After another short diversion
a realization clicked in her head as her angel had perfect authority from Jesus
to insert a new thought into her mind. That new conviction was (I paraphrase),
“Everything in this world, whether it’s religious or secular is designed to
keep everyone from turning to Jesus for guidance in life. Therefore, He must be
the true help and guide.” Suddenly every fiber of her being, was filled with
the presence of Jesus. Like every angel in heaven, every cell in her body was
rejoicing together, “Thank God she’s finally got it!” Doesn’t that sound like, “…
joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth,.… …there is joy in the presence of the angels of
God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:7,10)? And doesn’t that sound like,
“And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice
of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps”
(Rev. 14:2)?
So here’s her testimony.
“Hey guys. So this is my
testimony from leaving the New Age behind me, and how I found Jesus Christ. now
I know a lot of you are going to think, ‘Ohhhh. The Bible. Jesus. She’s lost
her mind.’ I understand. I really do. I was there not so long ago. I get it. Mmm.
Ok. So to start the journey of finding Jesus, I’ll start from when I was young till
So when I was a child I was
always questioning why we exist, how we exist. Like, look around. How is this
here? Deep questions as a kid, but I wanted to know. So, I didn’t really know
where to look. So unfortunately I turned to what I thought was the most
spiritual understanding of things. And this led me to witchcraft and magic at a
very young age—8 years old, maybe even younger.
I did lots of enchantments
and spells and made shrines, and just
really soaked it all in. I definitely got clarification that the spirit realm
exists. Really. To say the least, I was, I don’t know, harassed by demons? I can’t
say it any other way, now that I see it clearly now. But I wasn’t sure really
when I was young if it was angels or you know. But it certainly wasn’t because
it was dark. I had things following me, pushing me down to the floor, screaming
in my ear. I was harassed by these spiritual beings to the point where even my
family witnessed this. There was a point where I was in my bedroom, and
footsteps walking in the attic, really loud footsteps circling my bed around where
I was laying. And I freaked out and ran into my parents’ room, and the steps
followed me across the attic and circled around my parents’ bed. They freaked
out. My step-dad at the time had to nail the attic shut because they thought there
was a burglar. But of course we didn’t find anything physical up there
afterwards. It was because I was dabbling in things I shouldn’t have. And I really
regret this a lot.
It got so heavy that the
Ouija board, I got involved in the Ouija board. And a spirit went into me and
my friend saw it. And things moved. It got so traumatizing that I completely
stopped, completely stopped. I rejected anything spiritual. And that is sad
because then I kind of rejected my quest to find God, you know. But now I understand
that these things of this realm, this spirit realm that I was dabbling in,
their job is to keep you away from searching for Christ. So they did their job
well on me. And I rejected anything spiritual for a while after that.
I then went to university and
dabbled in psychedelic drugs. And had these experiences where I was connected
to everything, and I felt everything is one and beautiful, you know. And at the
same time I went to America to see my family from when I was 4 [years old]. The
last time I had seen them I was 4, and I was 20 at this point. So it was a big
deal to really meet them for the first time, for me.
And they were all Christian.
That’s cool, you know. People’s search for God is great; I’m all for that. And
so I was willing to listen. And they preached to me stuff from the Bible, all
hours of the night. And I was willing to listen, you know. But my heart just wasn’t
able to accept what they were saying fully. I still had resistance in me. And I
was in a bit of low point when I was there. And I prayed. Because of the
Christian influence on me, I prayed. And I asked God to help me, you know. And
I had a really profound moment, where I was taken out of my body and I completely
disassociated from anything in this reality. I didn’t remember I was a person
or [a part of] humanity or a planet, or anything. I was just whisked away to
this place of pure love. Pure love. And there was a keystone put in place and
everything connected to it. And it was beautiful. It was very beautiful. I’m
starting to now question really where it came from.
But at the time I was crying
and really so happy that God—or I thought at the time was God—showing me Him. And,
yeah, I was there waiting for hummingbirds to have this fight where they flash
the colors of their chests. It was very beautiful. In that moment I came back
down into my body. I thought, “Wow. I know you exist God. But, if You’ve got time,
can you make this happen?” And it happened. And right in front of my eyes, not
so far from my face, it happened. So I cried and it was a beautiful experience.
But it also took me on a bit of a tangent. Now I knew God was love, but I didn’t
know who He was. So this experience kind of pushed me more towards the lovely magic, loving side of spirituality, which I now know is not of God.
So I dabbled in pagan stuff
again. And I was doing more, not so many spells as such, but more like rituals
to love and how we’re all one, and we’re all connected. And I was promoting
fractals and the beautiful lure of creation and how we’re all part of it. And
then this slowly led me to things like the “The Secret”, you know, the “Law of
Attraction”. What I realize now about that is it’s really worshiping creation
rather than the Creator. So, with the whole fractal thing as well, it was like we
were essentially gods too. We were all part of God. So I mean I can understand
now, because we were all children of God. But when it’s you are the Creator,
like the Law of Attraction where whatever you put out you receive. So whatever
around you in your environment is a reflection of what is going on in you mind.
This can be dangerous. This can be really dangerous. Because when things don’t
work out how you want them to, and you really believe that it’s a reflection of
your mind, this is incredibly damaging.
Like the pressure, the pressure that it puts on you. And no
wonder. Really, you aren’t the Creator, but you are convincing yourself you
are. And so when it doesn’t work you are responsible, and that is so much
pressure on you. Of course it’s too much pressure! You’re not God! But I really
believed this at the time. I really, I tried so much with positive thinking,
and then if things didn’t’ go right, it’s OK. I felt responsible, and it was
heavy. And [you think], “it was OK. Keep going, keep going, keep going.”
I read an analogy about this recently
in a book. Say, someone breaks their leg, and they cover it up. And they say to
themselves, “It’s Ok. Positive thoughts. Positive thoughts. Stay positive. Stay
positive. If you say positive stuff, then it will happen. It’s OK.” And the
whole time you’re covering with positivity it’s festering and festering and
festering. And these problems they become worse. And this is essentially what
happened to my soul. I really believed this. And every time things wouldn’t go right,
or I felt there was a trouble and something needed to be resolved or sorted
[out], I would suppress it. And I’d cover it with positivity. And this is
dangerous because I was constantly denying the truth of what’s going on. And
deluding myself to [think], “It’s OK. I’ve got the power to make this Ok if I just
think positively, positively, positively.” And this sent me into a really,
really downward spiral, you know. And I became in a place of pure despair. So,
so heavy. And I just became a person I didn’t even recognize anymore. I was so troubled.
So selfish. I was so hurting, and hurting people around me.
And this led me to deep depression.
And I got to a point where I wanted to end my life. And thank God for my
mother! She took me in and she nurtured me. And really she helped me so much.
And at the time she was looking at the Bible. And this shocked me, because as
far as I knew she wasn’t really involved in this. She really was involved a lot
in the Bible! So, cool, OK. This kind of like sparked off prayer again for me.
And because I had nothing left. I mean I was broken, I was so broken. I was my
own enemy. I couldn’t be alone. Really. And so I threw myself down to God. And
I said, “I am tired of looking for You. I can’t look for You anymore. I need
you to show me Your truth. I need You to help me now, please. Because I’m trying
to find You, and everywhere I’m going I can’t find You. I’m getting worse, and
worse, and worse, and worse.” And this rabbit hole I went into where everything
connects and makes sense, it all led to a really destructive path, covered in beautiful [beauty
So I just surrendered to God—whoever
God was I didn’t know at the time, you know, still I just—the energy, or
whatever, I didn’t know. And so then I planned to go away for awhile. And my
mother gave me a Bible! Bless her heart. And I went and lived in a cave for a
while, at the bottom of Spain. With the intentions of just getting rooted back
into being again. And just healing and ultimately for God to reveal and guide
me to His truth. This was the objective of what I wanted to do. And so I stayed
in the cave, and I read the Bible a bit. And still I really didn’t, really I didn’t
accept it because everything is built in place for you to not accept it. And so
there is so much resistance. I get it, you know [I understand how Satan’s big
plan to keep our fallen race from trusting the God of truth and grace].
And then my friend introduced
me to a Sufi Muslim group. If you don’t know, they’re like the mystical Islam. So they are different to normal Muslims in
the sense that they dance and they do rituals, and they pray. And they are all
about purging out traumas, and healing your heart and being loving. And this
really appealed to me. I thought, “Maybe I want something there. Maybe God’s
guided me here, and this is something here.” And I really heavily got involved,
you know. I was initiated in. I did everything. Everything. But the more I read
the source of the teachings, the Quran, there was something in it that shocked
me. And I shocked myself with my reaction. Because basically it says that Jesus
is not the Son of God, that He is a prophet. And they really respect Him but He
is not the Son of God. And that He didn’t die on the cross for our sins. He
wasn’t crucified, and actually Judas was put in His place on the cross. And
that, I guess God did a little deception and Muhammad brought the Quran to
resolve this, and to tell us the truth of this. Now I don’t associate with
Christianity at this point, really, but in me was so much, “Whaaat?” I couldn’t
accept it. It was just really weird because that’s so out of my character. It
was like it wasn’t coming from me. There was something in me that I almost felt
offended by it. And really, I mean, at that point I had no idea why. now I understand.
So I was back to square one
again, you know. And I just thought, “Shew, oh man, I’m just going around in
circles everywhere.” I’m just like, “Please, God, please….” So in that moment
something clicked in my head. I was like, “Hmm. Why is it that everything I was
involved in with the New Age and the pagan movement, you know like Jesus and
Christ is over here [gesturing with her hands], and we’re over here doing our
thing through working to get to enlightenment, and that’s how we transcend. But
Jesus, He doesn’t matter. He’s not in the picture. And why then in Quran is the
same thing happening? Where we’re doing our own thing here, and Jesus (shaking
her head), that [crucifixion] didn’t even happen. ‘Don’t look at Him.’ And in
society, in everything, [there’s] so much against looking at Jesus as being our
Saviour. You know, ‘Don’t look at anything like that.’” And I just thought,
“Hmm. Right. You know, if there’s so much effort to hide something from us,
maybe there’s truth in that. Maybe that’s where the truth is.” See what I’m
So I just surrendered, I just
surrendered in that moment. I thought, “Oh my gosh! Jesus, You are real! You
died for us! You’re our Saviour! And through You we get to Christ our Father,
and this is God! this is God—surrendering to Jesus!” and in that moment, wow,
like every cell in my body, every fiber of my being just rejoiced. It just was like, “Thank
God she’s got it! Thank God she’s finally accepted it!” and my heart was
flooded with this light and this love. And you know I’ve had magical experiences
in the past. And nothing compares to surrendering your heart to Jesus. And I have
never been the same. And I’ve never been certain about anything in my life more
than this. There is truth here. There is truth here. And there is love here. It’s
not something to be afraid of. It’s beautiful. What He did for us is beautiful!
And I know that people are
taught to be ashamed of this. I know this isn’t going to go down well, because
all of my friends are pagan. But I can’t help but tell you, because I love
you! And this is true! This is true! And so now I just like I just want to
constantly read the Bible. And I’m learning so
much! It applies to everything. Every aspect of your life. And now, it’s important now to do this. Really. And I don’t want to push anything on
anyone. And really this is not about religion. This is about relationship with
God through Jesus. This is a personal relationship with Jesus. I pray to Him.
And I feel Him. He’s there. He is there.
And I’ve been having some
spiritual attacks from both people and from not people. And there’s a war going
on right now of who is to claim me. And I call out to Jesus, and, [the demons
are all] Gone. He is the Saviour. And I feel that in every fiber of my being.
And now all I want to do is serve Him. And everything I thought was real or the
truth, completely flipped around. And that’s not through my doing. This is
outside of me. Like, you know, the things I loved I now hate. There is this
transformation happening where I’ve accepted Him and He is showing me so much! So much! And this isn’t just for me, this is for everyone. This is
our God. And I just think it’s so important to share this with humanity because
I love people. And so, yeah, I’m going to create more videos and spread the good news! Thank you Jesus! Really, He saved my life. He is the Saviour. So
this isn’t probably going to get me much popularity with my friends.
Regardless. Regardless. I’m with Jesus. so I hope that this can reach your
hearts. And God bless.
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