Another comment to convince away from the Seven Year Tribulation falsehood
Dear sir, there is a real fallacy with this article. That is the Seven Year Tribulation, which was invented by the most notorious, wicked order of the Dark Ages antichrist--the Jesuit Order. Francisco Ribera came forward with an escape for the Popes of Rome. Ribera declared that he could point the Reformers’ finger of accusation away from the papal enemy of the Bible and of the God of the Bible, which Daniel 7, 8, and 11, Revelation 12, 13, 17, 18 plainly proved the papacy to be. There was nothing Christian about the Church of Rome. It was completely pagan, through and through. If the Protestant Reformers hadn’t received grace from Jesus they never could have met this foe and beaten it down. We wouldn’t have any freedom today. You wouldn’t have a church to preach in. Guaranteed we would be completely ignorant of the Bible.
But there the Protestant Reformers stood, like the stripling David against the huge Goliath man of war, and Luther’s lyrics, “one little word shall fell him”, a small contingent of Bible lovers against a massive satanic system that waged war against Bible believers for over a thousand years, per Daniel 7:21, 23-25. The Counter Reformation was a gory period. 900,000 Protestants died in a short period of time, the revenge of the Jesuit Inquisitions was so fierce. These martyrs all taught that the Vatican was the beast, which would rule the church for 1,260 years, which in the Bible is 1,260 prophetic days or 3 1/2 prophetic years. How did it happen, that now a very small minority believe that anymore? It was by the Jesuits joining the churches, just like they joined every kind of Protestant organization, including government and financial. And having fought their way to the top, by hook or crook, of everything Protestant they could make everything Protestant change its thinking to suit Papal dogma and agendas.
Today the Pope is a man universally praised as a godly man much to be trusted, even though he is a Jesuit. And the Jesuits are trusted to take high positions in our Protestant government, including Religious Liberty, which is a very scary thought.
But, let’s talk about the modern version of the beast and antichrist and tribulation. Regarding the seven year tribulation, as you know it comes from Daniel 9, the historic 70 week Messianic Prophecy. Looking at verse 26 we see that “after three score and two weeks” Messiah is cut off. The sacrifice of Messiah is the crux of the whole prophecy. After the 62 weeks leaves the one last week for Christ’s ministry for the first half and the grace period to Israel for the second half of that seven years. And that is the end of the prophecy.
But what Jesuit Ribera did was, using smoke and mirrors, to create a disappearing act for Christ’s ministry before the 62 week segment ended, move the last week, which is for the Messiah’s ministry, down to some indefinite time and set up a seven year tribulation, which today is thought to be very soon.
But the prophecy specifically says Messiah would appear “after” the 62 prophetic week period ends, during the 70th prophetic week. That leaves no room for another seven year, prophetic week event 2,000 years later. So, either we interpret the last week as the only factual prophecy that pinpointed when Christ would come to save mankind, the very crux of the prophecy, or we use that week for a last days tribulation. Both events can’t happen. There’s room in the prophecy for only one event.
Are we going to let an imposter tribulation supplant the prophecy that points to Jesus more than any other, and gives His mission of salvation more credence than any other? Are we going to omit the true seven year ministry of Christ and His apostles for a falsely interpreted week of Daniel 9, and add to the pervasive Jewish unbelief? They probably love the Seven Year Tribulation just because it gets them off the hook with Evangelical Christians. The wildly popular interpretation of Daniel 9:26 actually aids the Jews in their rejection of Christ by disallowing the Lamb His place there, so that the Jews can keep watching for their soon-coming (false) messiah.
And please consider this: There will be false Christs. We know this. What if Satan plans to use this Jesuit seven year tribulation to impersonate Christ’s return prior to Jesus’ actual second advent? And a Jewish messiah, and the Muslim’s 12th Imam, and Krishna, etc. Wouldn’t that constitute the strongest delusion (2Thess. 2:11)? Millions of Christians would flock to see the devil, breaking Christ’s strict prohibition of Matthew 24:26. And the millions wouldn’t even know they were ensnared by the great deceiver who “deceiveth the whole world” (Rev. 12:9).
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