A comment on the new book, "The rapture will be cancelled!"
"...then shall that Wicked be revealed... even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness..." (2Thess. 2:8-10).
I haven't read the book. But I hope it gives the truth about the return of Jesus. In case that doesn't happen, I took the liberty to do that. I also added a concept the author might not have--i.e. a secret rapture fraud, a phony secret rapture. It's possible. Let's not rule it out. My comment follows:
"Not so quick! Yes, the secret rapture will be cancelled! But that doesn't mean a fraud won't be perpetrated. The Isidorian Decretals were a fraud that purported that Constantine promised to give the Church all power over the western empire. It passed the monarchs and masses as true for 700 years, and by the time it was exposed in the 1500s the powerful religio-political papacy was well entrenched. The world wars and 9/11 were not exposed until it was too late to undo their changes toward a brave new world. Today the powerful evangelical religio-political masses all are taken by Jesuit Rivera's futurism from 1590. Since the seven year tribulation dogma has been around for 430 years and developed and wildly popular, why would they not have plans for it as part of the last great delusion?
Know your historicist Bible prophetic interpretation! The only thing that happened after the 69th prophetic week of Daniel 9:26 is the Messiah's 3 1/2 year ministry and a short grace period for Israel to realize what they just did to their Messiah: a total of seven years. There is no room for a future seven year tribulation if there is the seven year Messiah ministry and His grace period to the ancient Jewish nation.
As far as a secret rapture goes, the Koine Greek word for the "catching up" of 1Thessalonians 4:17 is actually in the Bible. Harpazo. But, the context of 1Thess. 4:14-18 shows that it will be anything but secret. Loud, a resurrection. 2 Peter 3:11 says it will be destructive. Matthew 24:30 and 2 Thessalonians 2:8 say it will be brilliant.
And neither will the harpazo happen in the blink of an eye. The only other place in scripture harpazo is used is Revelation 12:5, referring to the ascension of Christ. But when you look at His ascension in Acts 1:10, 11, you see His disciples watching Him slowly ascend into a cloud, and two angels who tell them that Jesus would return the same way He just left--slowly, visibly. "Behold He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him." (Rev. 1:7).
The blink of an eye concept was unconscionably stolen from the change that will happen in the redeemed, per 1 Corinthians 15:52. The seven year/secret rapture is a complete, intentional fabrication by wicked men who, I believe, plan to use it for total chaos for the grand finale of the overthrow of Noah's old world order into a new age that will be full of temptation, deception, total moral depravity, and despotism. Perdition so amplified that will bring down God's wrath, the likes of which occurred in Noah's day.
Know your Bibles. Know Jesus. I hope we can meet at the tree of life."
The media is brainwashing the world. Adventists, get away from your Hollywood televisions and videos. Stay away from the song industry. Get into your Bibles and find your Jesus! The approaching perdition will force its way into your heart, unless Jesus, by His own Spirit, has a stronghold there.
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