Trinitarian Adventists, I beg you, Come back to the truth
Mary as Mediatrix
Why is Mary referred to as the "mediatrix?"
Mary as Mediatrix (
The Second Vatican Council dedicated the eighth chapter of the "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church" to our Blessed Mother. Since our Lord continues His work and saving mission through His body, the Church, the council fathers, particularly under the guidance of Pope Paul VI, decided that it was most appropriate to address the role of our Blessed Mother here because "she is endowed with the high office and dignity of the Mother of the Son of God, and is...the beloved daughter of the Father and the temple of the Holy Spirit " (No. 53). The whole Church honors Mary as a pre-eminent and wholly unique member of the Church, and as a model in faith, hope and charity.
Given this basis, Vatican II here again repeated the titles of Mary as Advocate, Helper, Benefactress and Mediatrix" (No. 62). In its basic definition, a mediator is one who serves as an intermediary between two other parties. Oftentimes, the mediator assists in reconciling differences and bringing the parties to an understanding.
Examining the references to our Blessed Mother in the sacred Scripture, we find this role of "mediator." Mary, recognized by Archangel Gabriel as full of grace, one with the Lord and blessed among all women, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and bore Jesus Christ; through her "mediation" Jesus entered this world — true God becoming also true man.
In the Gospel passages in which she appears, our Blessed Mother always presented our Lord to others: the shepherds, the Magi, the priest Simeon, and the wedding party at Cana. She stood at the foot of the cross, sharing in our Lord's sufferings, and at that point He gave her to us as our mother. Finally, Mary was with the Apostles at Pentecost; she who brought Jesus into this world was there for the birth of the Church.
At the end of her life, Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven, the fulfillment of the promises of eternal life of body and soul given to all of the faithful. The "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church" captured her life well in stating, "Thus in a wholly singular way she cooperated by her obedience, faith, hope and burning charity in the work of the Savior in restoring supernatural life to souls" (No. 61).
Therefore we could look at Mary as the Mediatrix in three senses. First, as mother of the Redeemer, she was the intermediary through which the Son of God entered this world to save us from sin.
Second, by the witness of her own faith and thereby of presenting Christ to others, she aided in reconciling sinners to her Son. Mary, sinless yet knowing the suffering caused by sin, continues to call sinners to her Son. Through her example, she inspires all of us to the faith, hope and love that our Lord would want all of us to have.
Finally, because of her assumption and role as mother for all of us, she prays for us, interceding on our behalf just as she did at Cana, asking the Lord to bestow graces to us as He wills.
This title and role of Mediatrix, however, in no way is meant to distract the faithful from Christ or erode His role as the one Mediator (No. 62). Christ's mediation is primary, self-sufficient and absolutely necessary for our salvation, whereas the mediation of our Blessed Mother is secondary and dependent upon Christ. Vatican II stated, "In the words of the Apostle (St. Paul), there is but one mediator: 'for there is but one God and one mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a redemption for all' (1 Tim 2:5-6). But Mary's function as mother of men in no way obscures or diminishes this unique mediation of Christ, but rather shows its power. But the Blessed Virgin's salutary influence on men originates not in any inner necessity but in the disposition of God. It flows forth from the superabundance of the merits of Christ, rests on His mediation, depends entirely on it, and draws its power from it. It does not hinder in any way the immediate union of the faithful with Christ but on the contrary fosters it" (No. 60)
As we draw closer to Christmas, let us implore our Blessed Mother's prayers. May her example inspire us to strive to be full of grace, seeking forgiveness of sin, and to present Christ to others in our words and deeds. As she held Christ in her womb, may we hold Christ in our hearts. In so doing, we too may become like mediators, leading others to Christ through our own witness.
"The 'Dogmatic Constitution on the Church' captured her life well in stating, 'Thus in a wholly singular way she cooperated by her obedience, faith, hope and burning charity in the work of the Savior in restoring supernatural life to souls' (No. 61)."
Are we Adventists expecting Jesus to do the same for the Adventist as Mary does for the Catholic, to be a Mediator if we come to Him with our own generated need for pardon? Or, are we going to the Schoolmaster, i.e. the Law (like Galatians 3:24 tells us to do), and letting it scourge us with its cat-o-seven tails, i.e. infinite righteousness (scourging us like Hebrews 12:6 says it will do)? I ask this question because the only way we can have true repentance is to be convicted by the Schoolmaster and the prophet for these last days. Then He can bring us to His Son to be justified by a faith that sprang up from our terrifying situation as sure candidates for the second resurrection, lost before the Law without a Saviour from our exceeding sinfulness. Such terrifying conviction of sin is exactly what Paul suffered under in Romans 7. The difference between the remnant and Catholic religions is that with our scourging and justification came the Spirit of His Son by which we cried, "Abba" "Abba". The Spirit of the Son won't come to anyone who is going to Mary. Mary gives her spirit to her votives. And Mary is the Queen of Heaven, as John Paul II proclaimed.
Until 1844 God's Law was expounded to His children by His prophets. And especially so is His Law expounded in these last days in the most solemn and comprehensive way through Ellen White. Thus, only by the Spirit of Prophecy can our minds be fortified by the words of truth and sealed, so that we will be able to stand through the last great crisis. But if we lightly esteem, or worse, entirely disregard, her solemn testimony "upon which the destiny of the [Seventh-day Adventist] church hangs" Early Writings, p. 270, then we are avoiding the conviction from Jesus "whom God hath give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins" (Acts 5:31). To come to God without hearing His prophet is to be convicting ourselves and to be under the curse of Proverbs 28:9. Then we are essentially prostrating ourselves at the feet of Mary, the abomination, the other Mediator, and the counterfeit Comforter. (Mary is called the temple of the Holy Spirit and, in Catholicism, is essentially interchangeable with the third person of the Trinity god). We are partaking of the Corpus Christi Mass that does away with the sacrifice of the Lamb of God because the Law is not leading us to His propitiation for exceedingly sinful sin.
And then when the current battle over the identity of the Holy Spirit is ended, and the majority of the SDAs go with the third person of the Catholic Trinity god, then the abomination that "maketh desolate" (Dan. 11:31) (i.e. the abomination that ends the covenants made by the Great Reformation and the Great Disappointment and will ultimately force our Saviour to abandon us to Satan, per Romans 1:18-32) will be set up in the Remnant church, God's holy place on Earth. And, simultaneously, the abomination of desolation will again stand in the heavenly Holy Place ('the sanctuary of strength' spoken of in the same verse, Daniel 11:31) because the SDAs will be presumptuously following the Evangelical churches, placing the abomination in their hearts. And Matthew 24:15 will be fulfilled. This is why John was commanded to "measure...them that worship therein [in the heavenly temple]" (Rev. 11:1). All during the apostolic age to the post-Reformation Protestant church, until the fifth trumpet opened the bottomless pit in 1849 in the middle of the Sabbath conferences, the mighty and holy people had remained faithful. But, beginning with the seven trumpets investigative judgment's five prophetic months, Seventh-day Adventism has been the mighty and holy witnesses that were born again neither by man nor the will of man, but "by My Spirit, saith the Lord". But, now, by turning away from the prophet of the Lord, we have turned away from the God of the mighty and holy people. We are prostrating ourselves before the Queen of heaven.
That “image of jealousy, which provoketh [the Lord God] to jealousy...toward the north” (Eze. 8:5, Isa. 14:13) will be what SDAs worship and fill their hearts with, as they are already doing today with adoring the Trinity and celebration worship. Jesus will be lost to them for the "nicer" third person of the Trinity, which will make Jesus hotly jealous and prepare Him to punish Adventism. [His punishment, as seen in Revelation 11:7-10, is accomplished by the sixth trumpet rampaging, voracious locusts of the Revelation 9 trumpets, which began in 1849 (at the transformation of the Pope Pius IX administration to a Jesuit ultra-montanist Vatican). Before Jesus would be able to return in Revelation 6:17, the seventh seal had yet to come off the mysterious book of God (the book from Revelation 5:1). Therefore, the scene of the Lamb's return, which was in the sixth seal, could not represent the return of Christ, but rather must have represented the warning of His return through William Miller. Christ's second advent must be delayed until His remnant people are sealed in their foreheads. But, part of their sealing, which began in the first trumpet of the seventh seal, was for them to fall asleep in Laodicea (per Revelation 11:8-10), failing to give the 3rd angel's message and failing to accomplish its special work of purification that Jesus called us to in The Great Controversy, page 425, until we get our offensive punishing and humbling first time of trouble. The work of the Jesuit locusts is to kill, not literally but spiritually, the conscience, conversion, justification, Spirit of prophecy, genuine faith, original SDA doctrine, etc. The great time of trouble will come after we wake up and agonizingly afflict our rebellious souls via the first time of trouble and give the loud cry, per Revelation 11:11-13.]
So, having turned down heaven's message for restoring our original anti-Vatican, counter-Trinitarian present truth of the Father and His only-begotten Son Godhead, here Adventism is today, dead in the aisles of the Advent Movement, and under the rebuke of our God. But, good news yet mercifully wafts down from the Most Holy Place because there are yet a few minutes left to renounce the third throne where Satan sits on the sides of the north. Abandon the pagan Trinity god. Fellow Adventists, please download Nader Mansour’s free book, Putting the Pieces Together (, and see the truth about the Trinity delusion. Please I beg you brother, sister, go to and learn the real truth that will save you from this great, final deception. If you will read and heed then you will get ready to awaken with the wise virgins who also stood before the Spirit of Prophecy Schoolmaster and who returned to the Whites’, the Andrews’, the Waggoners’, and the other pioneers’ original, biblical, only true God and His precious only-begotten Child. You will awaken with the wise virgins. "Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ." (1John 1:3). Prepare for the big spanking! But afterwards we will much more clearly see the need to deny self and to do the special work of purification. Then the finale will end in victory for the saints of Jesus.
“And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet [see Ezekiel 37:1-10]; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. [See Ephesians 2:6 and Colossians 1:13] And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven [per Revelation 14:7 the multitudes, nations, tongues, and peoples renounce their adoration of the Trinity god. They fear God the Father and give Him glory].
The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly." (Rev. 11:11-14).
However, as stated above, when the Seventh-day Adventist Church unites with the Evangelical churches—not on the false day of worship, but before the false god of worship—then all the daughters of Babylon will be Ecumenized and back with the Mother of harlots, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, The Great Whore of Revelation 17. The whole time the Adventist church was expecting to flee from Sunday legislation, but the real enemy was a whole different dogma. All along the hidden enemy was the Trinity dogma and its god. So, in the end, only those Adventists and 11th hour Protestants who will see that the precious truth of the Father and Son Godhead is abundantly clear in scripture (once the Jesuit paradigm comes off their tradition-holding, scaled-over eyes), and that the Spirit of Prophecy 100% lines up with scripture against Trinitarianism, then they can agonize in the shaking, they will go through to the end, and stand when Jesus returns in His Father's glory. They will be fortified to face the great time of trouble. And all the Trinitarian Adventist prophecy students will wonder why they are not being persecuted. It will be because, on the borders of the heavenly land, they are caught in Baalpeor. They have slowly, completely become on board with the Beast, receiving its mark. And it will be too late to redo the investigative judgment!
The Loud Cry of the Third Angel gospel preaching to the whole world for a witness to all nations, will be finished and the great persecutions will be in full momentum by the time that it dawns on the Seventh-day Adventist church that persecution is falling only on Semi-Arian Sabbatarian Adventists instead of on the whole denomination. And the Trinitarian Adventists won’t be sealed and fortified to endure the last great crisis.
Terrible will be the case of the foolish Trinitarian virgins that enjoyed Baalpeor! They will be absolutely unable to preach the straight truth gospel because they had a single common doctrine with the Beast, and that one commonality was enough to create not only a bond of sympathy with the Church of Rome, but a gushing adoration of her smooth indulgences and devilish absolutions! The Trinitarian Adventists were deceived by the Queen of Heaven, drooling for her lawless grace, so that they were unable to bow low before the Spirit of Prophecy condemnations, and therefore could not courageously stand erect before kings and princes as did John the Baptist.
Oh, how could this be after all of Ellen White's warnings against final deceptions?! How? Why? Because they were deceived into obeying their Trinitarian pastors and conference presidents, all of whom either were fully deceived or Jesuit plants bent on their overthrow,
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