
“Oh, the unspeakable greatness of that exchange,—the Sinless One is condemned, and he who is guilty goes free; the Blessing bears the curse, and the cursed is brought into blessing; the Life dies, and the dead live; the Glory is whelmed in darkness, and he who knew nothing but confusion of face is clothed with glory.”

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Location: Kingsland, Georgia, United States

A person God turned around many times.

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Age-related Macular Degeneration and the new generation headlights

And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand.” (Dan. 8:24,25).

Maybe I sound like a one string violin when I blame the destruction of everyone’s eyes on the new headlights, but, I have to fall back on Bible prophecy. “Policy” means “intelligence”, “wisdom”, etc. This describes the Jesuits to a “t”. They are handpicked for their genius and talent. Thus they rise to the top of every organization and make policies and laws and corporate decrees. This is what Mrs. White wrote concerning their intelligence and policy.

“Under various disguises the Jesuits worked their way into offices of state, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations.” The Great Controversy, p. 235.

The Jesuit order is many years ahead of the technology they give to the common people. The products we have offered to us to purchase have their controls over every particular of it. We have seen this come to light in pharmaceuticals and vaccines. We have seen it in many products that were pulled off the market because they had side effects. A friend just notified me that the petroleum companies are always looking for some way to use the by-products of petroleum processing. And they found that hydro-carbons (hydrogen and carbon molecules) mimic sugar, which is made of carbohydrates (hydrogen and carbon molecules). So hydrocarbons and carbohydrates are made of similar stuff; they have something in common! Great! Let’s put petroleum based hydrocarbons in our food! Let’s use hydrocardons to sweeten our pharmaceuticals! No wonder cancer is so rife.

As a commoner, I can see the problem with this, but the folks at the top of FDA saw nothing wrong with it. And NIH sounds helpless to stop the use of petroleum for health care.

“Pharmaceutical drugs are made from petrochemicals

Pharmaceutical drugs are made from petrochemicals, which are derived from fossil fuel. That explains one reason why people who use them experience nasty side effects.

. We heat our homes and businesses with fossil fuels, run our factories with fossil fuels, power our transportation with fossil fuels, light our cities and communicate over distances with electricity derived from fossil fuels, grow our food with the help of fossil fuels, treat sickness with pharmaceuticals made from fossil-fuel derivatives, store our surpluses with plastic containers and packaging made from fossil fuels, and produce our clothes and home appliances with petrochemicals. Virtually every aspect of modern existence is made from powered with, or affected by fossil fuels.

Industry is the second-largest user of oil in the United States, at 23 percent of the total. More than one-fourth of the industrial oil is used as chemical feedstocks. Petrochemicals are used to make thousands of products--from television parts to pharmaceuticals.”

Pharmaceutical drugs are made from petrochemicals | ENCOGNITIVE.COM

...there is no publicly available account of health care's utilization of petroleum-based products.”

Petroleum and Health Care: Evaluating and Managing Health Care's Vulnerability to Petroleum Supply Shifts (

This is simple spiritual wickedness in high places. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12).

These folks are bridge builders. They cause wars between nations. They caused both World Wars. They are policy makers. We can’t stop them. They are untouchable. They own the skies; they own the ionosphere and the space above the ionosphere. We can’t stop their chem-trailing. We can’t stop their “smart” wildfires. 

And we can’t stop their new headlights that are rolling out.

We are being blinded if we drive at night. Even in the daytime the local police have lights on their roofs that are brighter than the sunlight and make me put down my visor when I pass them during the day. Why isn’t a red light enough to show us to use caution because the police are at work? Why cause damage to the eyes of the tax-paying citizenry?

More and more I am avoiding driving at night because the oncoming traffic light is just overwhelming, as well as are the traffic headlights behind me. And the new blinding headlight systems even have “bright beams”, which is absolutely ludicrous! I quietly thank every car that still uses the old yellow lights, like my car uses. In fact, my car’s low beams are so low that I don’t see as far as I’m supposed to. But, that’s what came with the 1996 Corolla and, just for old-fashioned posterity’s sake, I’m keeping it. I’ll just use my highbeams when nobody is around. No, I have no need to ultra blinding HID or LED technology.

But, studies show that bright light, especially blue light, which the new headlights use, causes damage to everyone’s eyes. I’m assuming that it matters not if your vehicle is beaming overly brightly, all the high-intensity lights of oncoming traffic are shortening the lifespan of your eyes, too. It seems that common sense would begin to take charge regarding this issue. But, instead the high intensity lights are becoming more popular. Advertising is powerful, even in a nefarious way. Everyone wants to be in with their group. Everyone wants to have what the Jones’s have. And the ad giants know the human animal.

The following are a few voices behind what I am saying.

Experts say new, brighter headlights can actually hurt your vision

If you've ever driven past another vehicle and thought the headlights were too bright, you're not alone - and experts say you're probably right.

Headlights in newer vehicles are changing, and the newer, brighter lights can have a negative impact on your sight.

The new headlights don't just have brighter bulbs, they actually use LED bulbs instead of the traditional halogen ones that vehicles have used for years.

The LED bulbs are brighter and bluer than the older ones.

"Those headlights coming at you can be blinding," said ISP Sgt. John Perrine. "That will affect your night vision."

READ | Experts talk impacts of LED headlights on your vision

It isn't just newer vehicles, auto owners are replacing their headlights with the newer, brighter bulbs as well because they let you see more of the road. But for other drivers, those bulbs can actually be dangerous.

Some drivers complain they see glares from the brighter bulbs and some have even claimed to experience temporary blindness from them.

"I'm always kind of worried that if there's an animal - or god forbid, a kid or human walks out in front of you - you might not see it in time, because the lights are blinding," Sgt. Perrine said.

Eye doctors, like Tom Chester with the Cleveland Eye Clinic, are also concerned about the effect the new lights can have on your vision.

"It creates discomfort, it can create irritation. It causes you to want to shy away from it," Chester said. "As a result, it can cause a lot of reflexes to kind of close the eye, dim the eye and look away."

So what can you do to stay safe when your vision is impacted by the bright headlights?

"As that car approaches, kind of look past hte light or off to the side so you're not looking directly into those lights," Sgt. Perrine said. "Another option is to close one eye. By closing, you will preserve your night vision in that one eye. That way, as the bright light passes you, you open that eye back up and your focus will come back much quicker on that dark road."

Experts say the new lights are at least 25 percent brighter than normal bulbs, but when it comes to lights that are too bright, Indiana law doesn't really address the issue.

The laws only say that your headlight has to illuminate 100 feet in front of your vehicle - or 350 feet for high beams.

If you purchase after-market headlights, be careful, some of them are actually illegal in Indiana. State police say you can get a ticket for headlights that are any color other than white or amber.

Regarding those bright LED lights on new cars that look blue, Sgt. Perrine says those are okay as long as they come from the manufacturer.

Experts say new, brighter headlights can hurt your eyes (

Can HID and LED Headlights Damage Your Eyes?

Car headlights shine so brightly today in part because, as with many automotive accessories, new technologies are available. Instead of halogen bulbs, headlights now often feature HID bulbs or LEDs. However, while dim lights can be a safety hazard, so can blindingly-bright ones. But more than simply dazzling drivers, can HID and LED headlights cause permanent damage?

There are several reasons why HID and LED headlights seem so bright compared to the older halogen ones.

Firstly, it’s because they generally do put out a greater amount of light, Autolist reports. Secondly, improvements in reflector and lens technology mean headlights throw more light forward, Roadshow reports. And if too much light hits your eyes at once, you get glare, Versant Health explains.

Thirdly, compared to halogens, LEDs and HIDs put out bluer, higher color-temperature light, Popular Science reports. And generally speaking, the bluer the light, the brighter the human eye thinks it is. But that blue color could come with some drawbacks.

Blue and violet light, because of its shorter wavelength, has more energy than red or green light. And ultraviolet light, the kind that’s emitted by our Sun, has more energy still. That’s why, if you look too long at the Sun without special glasses, it can cause severe eye damage, ForEyes and the American Academy of Ophthalmology explain. And some HID lights, including headlight bulbs, produce UV radiation, OEO, CarLightingDistrict, and Stouch Lighting report.

But LED headlights theoretically carry their own risks. Your eyes have a built-in UV defense: the cornea, Olympus and the American Macular Degeneration Foundation explain. But blue light, as part of the visible light spectrum, passes through. And a high-intensity light with a sub-455-nm wavelength can damage your retina, CNN reports. That wavelength, incidentally, is part of the spectrum emitted by some white-light LEDs, Olympus and Shimadzu report.

Can HID and LED Headlights Damage Your Eyes? (

I’m stopping the article at this point because its obvious to me that the auto makers are behind this article. Probably they put in what they did on the damage they’re doing because they are forced to, and then they get into the nitty gritty of headlight capabilities as if they are selling their headlights. They are justifying their dangerous products. They are undoing every bit of information on damage to human eyes.

Here’s another article:

Those bright headlights aren’t just annoying, they’re bad for your eyes

The last thing a driver needs while heading down the road in the middle of the night is to have another car's headlights blinding their view.

But are all headlights to blame?

Research conducted in 2013 highlighted the fact that while LED lights are pitched as being friendly to the environment, it might not be the best idea to have them on the road.

The Spanish study showed that the glare from LED bulbs can potentially damage the cells in the retina. As a result of the report, some experts called for a filter to be placed on the bulbs.

The reason for having brighter LED lights on the road is to increase a driver’s ability to see better in low-visibility situations, but how does it affect other drivers?

News5 in Cleveland spoke with Dr. Tom Chester who is the clinical director at the Cleveland Eye Clinic, about the situation. Dr. Chester said there’s been an increase in patients complaining about having trouble seeing at night or in the dark because of glares from headlights.

It creates discomfort. It can create irritation. It causes you to want to shy away from it, and so as a result, it can cause a lot of reflexes to kind of close the eye, dim the eye, look away,” said Dr. Chester.

Federal regulations are in place to ensure drivers don’t have to squint every time someone passes, but it doesn’t always help.

New York law, which was last updated in 2006, mandates the power of headlights not exceed 32 candlepower, which, according to the PoughKeepsie Journal, equates to the light produced by 32 candles.

Some experts wonder if this regulation would be too low of a glare on the roads.

Federal law is on a much higher scale. Depending on the lighting system of the vehicle, headlights are limited to about 20,000 to 75,000 candela, according to the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108. One candlepower equals to about one candela.

Representatives with some brands, such as Audi and BMW, say it has mastered the problem by creating an adaptive lighting system that adjusts the brightness when other drivers approach.

While the technology is available in Europe, Americans might not see it as prevalent on the roads quite yet as a proposed rule change is still in the works to be approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Here’s my final article from Stackexchange. electromagnetic radiation - Does staring at a bright LED light damage your eyes? - Physics Stack Exchange

It is very technical and if you want to read it you can on your own. But the author ends with this helpful generalization for a dummy like me

In a nutshell, if it's bright enough, any light can damage your eyes. It is the intensity of light that is damaging (at least in most cases).

The scientific evidence implicates blue light as a risk factor in contributing to the onset or progression of macular degeneration, as well as other eye diseases such as cataracts.”

But, according to an above article the headlights are not too bright, as of 2006. 2006? But the latest damaging high intensity headlights have only been around for a few years. Where the updated study and federal requirement to auto makers? It must be true, “While the technology is available in Europe [with Audis and BMWs adjusting headlight intensity for oncoming drivers], Americans might not see it as prevalent on the roads quite yet as a proposed rule change is still in the works to be approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Even good friends of mine (who are older than I am by a few years; I’m in my early 60s now) just installed the latest headlights. I asked them, Why? And they said they like the way it brightens everything up in front of them. Ohh, it does that, all right! But what about the damage done to long-term exposure by all the people whose retinas are being overstimulated and overused? At some point nature gets exhausted and breaks down. Then disease sets in, in this case, Age-related Macular Degeneraton, cataracts, or full blindness. Do the high members of spiritual wickedness know all this? Of course.

What about our duty to others? What about the body temples of the on-coming traffickers, their retinas that must be shielded from that kind of intense brightness, or early onset of Macular Degeneration will make them blind? What about, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? What about, “I am my brother’s keeper”? What about, “Love your neighbor as yourself”?

Must we dismiss the golden rule, the second great commandment, and the right response to “that wicked one” (1 John 3:12) and his rhetoric to Jesus the Lord God, the uncaring Cain who “slew his brother”? Must we adopt herd mentality just because the wicked leadership of our society gives us enough rope to hang ourselves in the great Judgment Day? Isn’t that the Jesuit agenda? The Jesuits are so silent and subtle that none of the commoners realize how they are placing themselves against their Creator. But they are as much fighting God by these insinuating gifts of the high tech gods and demi-gods, as if every tool to destroy God’s people were given to them overtly.

If we have the Spirit of God, we would have a conscience that discerns what we are doing to our brothers, they being believers or unbelievers. Angels from on high are our teachers, and they would show us what is happening behind the spiritual machinations of satanic hosts. Such an access to the heavenly agencies will lead to the ultimate gift—the Seal of the living God in our forehead (or our conscience, heart, soul, the fruits of the Spirit, love, faith, joy).

But the snares, which are being laid for the final Protestant Americans and for the world that they blessed with peace and freedom, are so subtle and innocuous that millions are readily receiving them like a child does candy. Modern life is all about one long carnival and dying with the most toys. Such will end up with the Mark of the beast in their conscience, heart, soul, and the fruits of the wrong spirits. And let’s not forget that every American is a Protestant, whether or not they are churched or profess religion. They love rights and freedom, and hate despotism. They love the separation of church and state, legal protection, being judged innocent until proven guilty, and the other Ten Amendments. That makes Every American a target. Targets of the Jesuits and the Vatican. Even if they are Catholics in America, the Jesuits consider them marinated in and poisoned by Protestant liberalism.

There will be a pogrom against all Americans because, whether church or unchurched, they love the good life that has come down to us from the God of the Bible, the God of the Reformation. Revelation 9 and 11 show such a nightmare pogrom. The free world must endure the same travesties as the Jews and Orthodox Christians suffered under the Jesuits during WWII. We must be broken of our rights and freedoms. It doesn’t matter how many times we hear and tell one other, Make America Great Again! Our days are over.

Nothing can be fixed. Our only hope is built on Jesus Christ and His righteousness, in perfect non-stop communion with Him and perfectly reproducing His character by our own diligent effort and His constantly sprinkled grace.


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