“Delay no longer” and “the mystery of God finished”
“And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be [delay] no longer: but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets” (Rev. 10:6,7).
The two announced events of these combined verses are 1) the fall of Satan’s kingdom by commissioning the newly consecrated 144,000 for the Latter Rain, and 2) the re-instatement of the eternal kingdom of God. The two announcements refer to separate things. The former, “Delay no longer”, is fulfilled almost immediately, and the latter “mystery of God finished” happens in the seventh trumpet. These two events are not simultaneous. Much happens in between them.
Separating these two great announcements are the following events: the Spirit of Christ is given to the repenting 144,000, who call their own sins just what they are and accept the Jesuit desolations as divine punishment for their great iniquity of ignoring the special work of purification, and a new earnest is born within them for obedience to the Law of God through the Spirit of Prophecy requirements, which is prophesied of in Revelation 11:11 and seen also in the beautiful prophecies of Jeremiah 30:3-11,18-20; 31:1-3,10-25,31-34; 50:4-8,33-38; their sins are blotted out as they obtain the victory over all deficiencies seen in Revelation 11:12 and also in Jeremiah 50:17-20; once Jesus comes out of the Most Holy the first time, their commissioning in Revelation 10:11 and also seen in Jeremiah 50:28; then the Latter Rain falls, shown in Revelation 11:13 and in Jeremiah 51:5-10. Finally, after these newly commissioned kings of the east have made their comeback and, like Samson’s final victory over the Philistine worshipers of Dagon, they make a total discomfiture of Babylon’s celebrating citizens, then the mystery of God is finished. And all heaven praises the Most High, with the joy that filled the original kingdom of God, previously seen in Revelation 4.
Just before the first of these two great events occurs the total humiliation of the soon to be sealed 144,000 servants of God, inferred in the Revelation 9 locust desolations, and seen in Revelation 11:7-10, and then their mighty shaking, which triggers all heaven to use them mightily.
We can write it another way:
Rev 11:7 And when they [the true apostolic succession during the 1,260 year papal supremacy: the Waldensian Christians, the Protestant Reformers and Counter-Reformation Protestants, the Puritans and Huguenots and Wesleyan Methodists] shall have finished their testimony [in 1798], the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit [starting in 1849 and during the first half of the fifth trumpet] shall make war against them [Seventh-day Adventists], and [during the second half of the fifth trumpet] shall overcome them, and [beginning in 2000 and all during the sixth trumpet] kill them.
Rev 11:8 [the sixth trumpet] And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified [every particular of this verse is symbolic, including the killing actually meaning that their faith that works is killed, and the 3 ½ days being an undefined time of severe, divinely awarded judgment. “...the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Rome really are, only when it is too late to escape the snare. She is silently growing into power. Her doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, in the churches, and in the hearts of men. She is piling up her lofty and massive structures in the secret recesses of which her former persecutions will be repeated. Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is strengthening her forces to further her own ends when the time shall come for her to strike. All that she desires is vantage ground, and this is already being given her. We shall soon see and shall feel what the purpose of the Roman element is” Great Controversy, p. 581. What the Jesuits have planned is complete domination of every inhabitant of Earth, body, soul, and spirit – their purported millennium of peace. A spiritual Bolshevik utopia. A New Age Nirvana. They have already told us that we’ll have nothing, and we’ll like it. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to stress over. No more bills. No loans or mortgages. No more creditors calling. Nothing to repo. No more rights. No more freedom. No more strong middle class. No more capitalism. Never again governments of the people, by the people, and for the people. Bureaucracies rife with corruption and graft. Slavery legalized. Torture resurrected from the dead. No more dysfunctional families because there will be no more families, or filial love. No more Protestant and Adventist Bible believers. No more peace on Earth. A world in chaos and perdition. The 144,000 in great distress and deeply repenting, but with strong faith and agonizing cries].
Rev 11:9 [the sixth trumpet (until Jesus comes out of the Most Holy Place clothed in a cloud)] And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies [their beast decimated faith that had worked] three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
Rev 11:10 [the sixth trumpet] And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them [their beast decimated faith that had worked], and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because [the earlier Christians’ faith that worked so powerfully] tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
[Revelation 10 takes place in the sixth trumpet period, the SDAs, having passed through their Bochim and agonizing prayers, have obtained the victory over the beast and its image, and its Sun worship and service to the Trinity god, their sins are blotted out, and they are sealed from their head to their feet. So they then are ready to receive the commission to prophesy again before multitudes and kings and nations, just like their predecessor Christians, the Waldenses and Albigenses, the Reformers and Counter-Reformation Protestants, the Puritans and Huguenots, the Millerites and SDA pioneers under the leadership of Ellen White. Jesus is clothed with a cloud of most purity and most holiness in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary. The special work of purification for His 144,000 priestly family of Adventists and eleventh hour Protestants (and all professed children of God since Adam) is completed, the sanctuary is cleansed for them. Jesus roars like the Lion of Judah before His Father, and announces No more delay/probation for unconverted, nominal Adventists and churched Protestants who chose lawless grace over the straight testimony to the Laodiceans. It’s time to cleanse the sanctuary for all His people outside His priestly family.]
[“And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be [delay] no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets” (Rev. 10:6,7). “And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.” (Rev. 10:11).]
Rev 11:11 And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
Rev 11:12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
Rev 11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
Rev 11:14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
Rev 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded [mystery of God finished]; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
The delay’s end speaks of a prophetic context within the sixth trumpet, hence after the year 2000, and points to “the days” when the “mystery of God” will be “finished” just before the seventh trumpet blows. More precisely, Christ’s yet future Revelation 10:7 announcement of “no more delay”, which is given during the sixth trumpet, points to some time near the end of the sixth trumpet/second woe period, and connects Revelation 9:21 to 11:14. The six trumpets’ probationary delay will close when the seventh will begin to blow. At the sixth trumpet’s end and the second woe past, the seventh trumpet will begin to sound before the maligned and arraigned, unknown God of love, first seen in Revelation 5. By then the mystery of God will be finished and Christ, the Angel clothed in a cloud, will have accomplished the heavenly sanctuary’s atonement, understood as such because Christ is not seen anymore in the seventh trumpet sanctuary scene of Revelation 11:19, or in its expanded view of Revelation 15:8. He has immediately left to deliver His people. And the ripening process will end for both harvests of the grapes and the grain, of the persecuting wicked and the persecuted holy, per Revelation 14.
The delay’s expiration after the first six trumpets and the delay’s transitioning into the seventh trumpet will complete the seven trumpets of Revelation, the whole period of final probation that was granted this world in 1844, per Revelation 7.
So the final offer of probation started when Jesus opened the seventh seal immediately after the sixth seal closed in October 22, 1844, with the question before humanity, “Who shall be able to stand” (Rev. 6:17) in the day that He re-establishes the kingdom He built and that He will re-inhabit with the people who love Him? “Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads!” Then starting the next day, the sealing delay began by mercifully warning of the hour of His judgment, and to provide the “meek of the earth” (Isa. 11:4) their necessary preparation to stand through that last great crisis, but also to proclaim Judgment Day for “all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly” (Mal. 4:1).
Finally, as Jesus’ entourage, still unseen, approaches Earth to deliver His people, the nations realize their mistake by entrusting their kingdoms to the ruthless beast, and they succeed at, not only driving the beast’s Jesuits out of their dominions, but completely ending the Jesuit beast itself, per Revelation 17:12-18 that ruled from Denver, Washington being its formal headquarters, Rome its temple museum, and Jerusalem its red herring capital. And the vengeful, hardened world is ready to receive the plagues of God, per Revelation 11:17-19 for fighting against the Lord’s persecuted 144,000, His kings of the east (Revelation 16:12;17:14).
The following is J. A. Wylie’s History of Protestantism. I included this for this post because I feel we must not think I won’t happen to us in our free world. Americans have the most to lose because their freedoms are more abundant and guaranteed. But, they have also taken it all for granted, and have forgotten that the God of their fathers provided these freedoms and rights. But, Satan is moving free America over the brink into total, undiluted corruption. Therefore, Americans will lose it all. But, if they want some of it back again, it will come with a cost—joining the Jesuits in their effort to conquer the world for Satan. Of course, it won’t look that terrible. They will think its for the pope, and for Mother Nature. But, if only Mr. Wylie could have lived another 50 years, he would have tied the nature and ancient cultural worship and the enervation of soul from that worship directly to the ascendancy of Nazism and the thirty years of war that attended the rise of the same Germany that in his day had become schooled by the Jesuit order.
J. A. Wylie, History of Protestantism, chapter 8, Diffusion of the Jesuits throughout Christendom.
THE soldiers of Loyola are about to go forth. Before beginning the campaign we see their chief assembling them and pointing out the field on which their prowess is to be displayed. The nations of Christendom are in revolt: it will be theirs to subjugate them, and lay them once more, bound in chains, at the feet of the Papal See. They must not faint; the arms he has provided them with are amply sufficient for the arduous warfare on which he sends them. Clad in that armor, and wielding it in the way he has shown them, they will expel knowledge as night chases away the day. Liberty will die wherever their foot shall tread. And in the ancient darkness they will be able to rear again the fallen throne of the great Hierarch of Rome. But if the service is hard, the wages will be ample. AS THE SAVIORS OF THAT THRONE [the Roman papacy] THEY WILL BE GREATER THAN IT. And though meanwhile their work is to be done in great show of humility and poverty, the silver and the gold of Christendom will in the end be theirs; they will be the lords of its lands and palaces, the masters of the bodies and the souls of its inhabitants, and nothing of all that the heart can desire will be withholden from them if only they will obey him.
The Jesuits rapidly multiplied, and we are now to follow them in their peregrinations over Europe. Going forth in little bands, animated with an entire devotion to their General, schooled in all the arts which could help to further their mission, they planted themselves in a few years in all the countries of Christendom, and made their presence felt in the turning of the tide of Protestantism, which till then had been on the flow.
There was no disguise they could not assume, and therefore there was no place into which they could not penetrate. They could enter unheard the closet of the monarch, or the cabinet of the statesman. They could sit unseen in Convocation or General Assembly, and mingle unsuspected in the deliberations and debates. There was no tongue they could not speak, and no creed they could not profess, and thus there was no people among whom they might not sojourn, and no Church whose membership they might not enter, and whose functions they might not discharge. They could execrate the Pope with the Lutheran, and swear the Solemn League with the Covenanter. They had their men of learning and eloquence for the halls of nobles and the courts of kings; their men of science and letters for the education of youth; their unpolished but ready orators to harangue the crowd; and their plain, unlettered monks, to visit the cottages of the peasantry and the workshops of the artisan.
"I know these men," said Joseph II of Austria, writing to Choiseul, the Prime Minister of Louis XV— "I know these men as well as any one can do: all the schemes they have carried on, and the pains they have taken to spread darkness over the earth, as well as their efforts to rule and embroil Europe from Cape Finisterre to Spitzbergen! In China they were mandarins; in France, academicians, courtiers, and confessors; in Spain and Portugal, grandees; and in Paraguay, kings. Had not my grand-uncle, Joseph I, become emperor, we had in all probability seen in Germany, too, a Malagrida or an Alvieros."
In order that they might be at liberty to visit what city and diocese they pleased, they were exempted from episcopal jurisdiction. They could come and go at their pleasure, and perform all their functions without having to render account to any one save to their superior. This arrangement was resisted at first by certain prelates; but it was universally conceded at last, and it greatly facilitated the wide and rapid diffusion of the Jesuit corps.
Designed for the common people, the order found equal acceptance from princes and nobles. In Parma the highest families submitted themselves to the "Spiritual Exercises." In Venice, Lainez expounded the Gospel of St. John to a congregation of nobles; and in 1542 a Jesuits’ college was founded in that city. The citizens of Montepulciano accompanied Francisco Strada through the streets begging. Their chief knocked at the doors, and his followers received the alms. In Faenza, they succeeded in arresting the Protestant movement, which had been commenced by the eloquent Bernardino Ochino, and by the machinery of schools and societies for the relief of the poor, they brought back the population to the Papacy. These are but a few instances out of many of their popularity and success.1v
In the countries of Spain and Portugal their success was even greater than in Italy. A son of the soil, its founder had breathed a spirit into the order which spread among the Spaniards like an infection. Some of the highest grandees enrolled themselves in its ranks. In the province of Valencia, the multitudes that flocked to hear the Jesuit preacher, Araoz, were such that no cathedral could contain them, and a pulpit was erected for him in the open air. From the city of Salamanca, where in 1548 they had opened their establishment in a small, wretched house, the Jesuits spread themselves over all Spain. Two members of the society were sent to the King of Portugal, at his own request: the one he retained as his confessor, the other he dispatched to the East Indies. This was that Francis Xavier who there gained for himself, says Ranke, "the name of an apostle, and the glory of a saint." At the courts of Madrid and Lisbon they soon acquired immense influence. They were the confessors of the nobles and the counselors of the monarch.
The Jesuits found it more difficult to force their way into France.... Lainez, who by this time had become their General, saw his opportunity, and in 1561 succeeded in effecting his object, although on condition of renouncing the peculiar privileges of the order, and submitting to episcopal jurisdiction. "The promise was made, but with a mental reservation, which removed the necessity of keeping it."2 They immediately founded a college in Paris, opened schools—which were taught by clever teachers—and planted Jesuit seminaries at Avignon, Rhodes, Lyons, and other places. Their intrigues kept the nation divided, and much inflamed the fury of the civil wars. Henry III was massacred by an agent of theirs: they next attempted the life of Henry IV. This crime led to their first banishment from France, in 1594; but soon they crept back into the kingdom in the guise of traders and operatives. They were at last openly admitted by the monarch—a service which they repaid by slaughtering him in the streets of his capital. Under their rule France continued to bleed and agonize, to plunge from woe into crime, and from crime into woe, till the crowning wickedness of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes laid the country prostrate; and it lay quiet for more than half a century, till, recovering somewhat from its exhaustion, it lifted itself up, only to encounter the terrible blow of its great Revolution.
We turn to Germany. Here it was that the Church of Rome had suffered her first great losses, and here, under the arms of the Jesuits, was she destined to make a beginning of those victories which recovered not a little of the ground she had lost. A generation had passed away since the rise of Protestantism. It is the year 1550: the sons of the men who had gathered round Luther occupy the stage when the van of this great invading host makes its appearance. They come in silence; they are plain in their attire, humble and submissive in their deportment; but behind them are the stakes and scaffolds of the persecutor, and the armies of France and Spain. Their quiet words find their terrible reverberations in those awful tempests.
Ferdinand I of Austria, reflecting on the decay into which Roman Catholic feeling had fallen in Germany, sent to Ignatius Loyola for a few zealous teachers to instruct the youth of his dominions. In 1551, thirteen Jesuits, including Le Jay, arrived at Vienna. They were provided with pensions, placed in the university chairs, and crept upwards till they seized the entire direction of that seminary. From that hour date the crimes and misfortunes of the House of Austria.3
A little colony of the disciples of Loyola had, before this, planted itself at Cologne. It was not till some years that they took root in that city; but the initial difficulties surmounted, they began to effect a change in public sentiment, which went on till Cologne became, as it is sometimes called, the "Rome of the North." About the same time, the Jesuits became flourishing in Ingolstadt. They had been driven away on their first entrance into that university seat, the professors dreading them as rivals; but in 1556 they were recalled, and soon rose to influence, as was to be expected in a city where the memory of Dr. Eck was still fresh. Their battles, less noisy than his, were fated to accomplish much more for the Papacy.
From these three centers—Vienna, Cologne, and Ingolstadt—the Jesuits extended themselves over all Germany. They established colleges in the chief cities for the sons of princes and nobles, and they opened schools in town and village for the instruction of the lower classes. From Vienna they distributed their colonies throughout the Austrian dominions. They had schools in the Tyrol and the cities at the foot of its mountains. From Prague they ramified over Bohemia, and penetrated into Hungary. Their colleges at Ingolstadt and Munich gave them the possession of Bavaria, Franconia, and Swabia. From Cologne they extended their convents and schools over Rhenish Prussia, and, planting a college at Spires, they counteracted the influence of Heidelberg University, then the resort of the most learned men of the German nation.
Wherever the Jesuits came, there was quickly seen a manifest revival of the Popish faith. In the short space of ten years, their establishments had become flourishing in all the countries in which they were planted. Their system of education was adapted to all classes. While they studied the exact sciences, and strove to rival the most renowned of the Protestant professors, and so draw the higher youth into their schools, they compiled admirable catechisms for the use of the poor. They especially excelled as teachers of Latin; and so great was their zeal and their success, that "even Protestants removed their children from distant schools, to place them under the care of the Jesuits."4
The teachers seldom failed to inspire the youth in their schools with their own devotion to the Popish faith. The sons of Protestant fathers were drawn to confession, and by-and-by into general conformity to Popish practices. Food which the Church had forbidden they would not touch on the interdicted days, although it was being freely used by the other members of the family. They began, too, to distinguish themselves by the use of Popish symbols. The wearing of crosses and rosaries is recorded by Ranke as one of the first signs of the setting of the tide toward Rome.
Forgotten rites began to be revived; relics which had been thrown aside buried in darkness, were sought out and exhibited to the public gaze. The old virtue returned into rotten bones, and the holiness of faded garments flourished anew. The saints of the Church came out in bold relief, while those of the Bible receded into the distance. The light of candles replaced the Word of Life in the temples; the newest fashions of worship were imported from Italy, and music and architecture in the style of the Restoration were called in to reinforce the movement. Customs which had not been witnessed since the days of their grandfathers, began to receive the reverent observance of the new generation. "In the year 1560, the youth of Ingolstadt belonging to the Jesuit school walked, two and two, on a pilgrimage to Eichstadt, in order to be strengthened for their confirmation by the dew that dropped from the tomb of St. Walpurgis."5 The modes of thought and feeling thus implanted in the schools were, by means of preaching and confession, propagated through the whole population.
While the Jesuits were busy in the seminaries, the Pope operated powerfully in the political sphere. He had recourse to various arts to gain over the princes. Duke Albert V of Bavaria had a grant made him of one-tenth of the property of the clergy. This riveted his decision on the side of Rome, and he now set himself with earnest zeal and marked success to restore, in its ancient purity and rigor, the Popery of his territories. The Jesuits lauded the piety of the duke, who was a second Josias, a new Theodosius.6
The Popes saw clearly that they could never hope to restore the ancient discipline and rule of their Church without the help of the temporal sovereigns. Besides Duke Albert, who so powerfully contributed to re-establish the sway of Rome over all Bavaria, the ecclesiastical princes, who governed so large a part of Germany, threw themselves heartily into the work of restoration. The Jesuit Canisins, a man of blameless life, of consummate address, and whose great zeal was regulated by an equal prudence, was sent to counsel and guide them. Under his management they accepted provisionally the edicts of the Council of Trent. They required of all professors in colleges subscription to a confession of the Popish faith. They exacted the same pledge from ordinary schoolmasters and medical practitioners. In many parts of Germany no one could follow a profession till first he had given public proof of his orthodoxy. Bishops were required to exercise a more vigilant superintendence of their clergy than they had done these twenty years past. The Protestant preachers were banished; and in some parts the entire Protestant population was driven out. The Protestant nobles were forbidden to appear at court. Many withdrew into retirement, but others purchased their way back by a renunciation of their faith.
By these and similar arts Protestantism was CONQUERED ON WHAT MAY BE REGARDED AS ITS NATIVE SOIL. If not wholly rooted up it maintained henceforward but a languishing existence; its leaf faded and its fruit died in the mephitic air around it, while Romanism shot up in fresh strength and robustness. A WHOLE CENTURY OF CALAMITY FOLLOWED THE ENTRANCE OF THE JESUITS INTO GERMANY. THE TROUBLES THEY EXCITED CULMINATED AT LAST IN THE THIRTY YEARS’ WAR. FOR THE SPACE OF A GENERATION THE THUNDER OF BATTLE CONTINUED TO ROLL OVER THE FATHERLAND.
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