The Law and the Testimony
"To the Law and to the Testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa. 8:20).
Over the past few months a friend has been strongly encouraging me to vote. I keep pointing him to the Spirit of Prophecy counsel:
"We cannot with safety vote for political parties; for we do not know whom we are voting for." Gospel Workers, p. 391.2.
More recently, a different friend texted me the link to the video, "The great awakening, the world is about to change." It's been out for a few months, so it may be considered old news. I had never known of it, so I watched it. But near the beginning of it, a strong impression came to me following the same principle as the counsel above.
It said, "We cannot with safety believe the material that this video is propounding; for we do not know who made the video."
As the video made its way to some conclusion, I finally turned it off. Besides the above reason, here are other reasons for rejecting it:
1) It was not political party neutral. It highly favored the Republican party, in the person of President Donald Trump.
2) The enemy of everything today was either the Illuminati, the Democrats, the leftist liberals, George Soros, Bill Gates, the Clintons, the child sex abusers, and others.
3) But there was perfect silence regarding the tormenting fifth and killing sixth trumpet Jesuits and Vatican! Aren't they showcased in Daniel and Revelation as God's primary nemesis? Did they create this video?
Of those voracious locust Jesuits John Adams correctly, although probably unwittingly, described them as swarming here.
"I do not like the late Resurrection of the Jesuits. They have a General, now in Russia, in correspondence with the Jesuits in the U.S. who are more numerous than every body knows. Shall We not have Swarms of them here? as many Shapes and disguises as ever a King of the Gypsies, Bamfied More Carew himself, assumed? In the shape of Printers, Editors, Writers School masters &c. I have lately read Pascalls Letters over again, and four Volumes of the History of the Jesuits. If ever any Congregation of Men could merit, eternal Perdition on Earth and in Hell; according to these Historians though like Pascall true Catholicks, it is this Company of Loiola. Our System however of Religious Liberty must afford them an Assylum. But if they do not put Purity of our Elections to a Severe Tryal, it will be a Wonder.
J. Adams"
Aren't we now seeing the purity of our whole political and election system put to severe trial? Then there is the high possibility of a population explosion of Jesuit agents. Let's not forget what a former Jesuit General revealed in a graduation commencement speech,
"Jesuit education would consist in the creation of multiplying agents." -- Pedro Arrupe
Are not the Jesuits more numerous than anybody knows? Do they not rule every aspect of our nation, yeah, of the world?! Then why are they conspicuously absent in the video? Why does the narrator villify other name after name, and expose documented crime after crime that the Justice Department overlooked and left unpunished, and never once connect it all to the humble, "little" company of Jesus, the sole masters of subterfuge? This video is the perfect psy-op.
I cannot disprove any or all of the allegations put forth by the video. But, is not the video one-sided? That told me that it is not to be trusted. And, what about the female narrator? Who was she? Her video never said. How can her credentials be investigated? How can we know her by her fruits? Then why should we trust the purported, extensive seams of truth that she unravelled?
But really, how can anyone outside your own little village be known by their fruits? How can anyone in our gigantic American empire be known by their fruits? Likewise, how can anyone be disowned by alleged evils of which the empire's media has accused them? So much assassination is taking place, why dismiss the high probability of character assassination? Why believe an anonymous voice hook, line, and sinker?
I'm not saying that the video's litany of crimes should be glossed over as though they weren't commited. But, I am saying that if the Bible's chief enemy is protected by the video, then I must speak out against it. I don't trust the media in any way anymore. When I saw how complicit the mainline media was with the 9/11 disinformation and deceptions I realized that the major media outlets had ended all real investigative reporting.
The only news we have now is their "official" propaganda or a few rare individual researchers here and there, surrounded by many secondary propagandists.
There is now only one way to find a true investigative reporter. "To the Law and to the Testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa. 8:20).
Does a news outlet shed light on correct Bible truths? Does a video shed light on the Spirit of Prophecy counsels from Ellen G. White? I don't want to be charged as a fundamentalist extremist, but anymore in these days of deception, which Jesus forewarned us of, there exists nothing else, in which to put our faith, besides the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Outside of the Lord as He has revealed His truth, no other refuge can be trusted. "If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."
One last big question remains: Do I have the Spirit of truth? Do I have the discernment and courage to eskew homegrown Adventist misconceptions and falsehoods that have creeped into our doctrines and church practices?
Nevermind how the creeping things got there (the mystery of iniquity?). All I know is that I see them, and they are multiplying. Trinitarianism. Feastkeeping. Celebration worship. High adrenalin preaching. Spiritual Formation (or whatever its newest name is). Ecumenism. Worldliness and country club ethics. No more preaching Jesus. No more confession of faults in personality conflicts. Very little salvation from sin.
It's what Ellen White wrote in Desire of Ages concerning John the Baptist. "He saw his people deceived, self-satisfied, and asleep in their sins." Could it be that she was hinting of her own secret disposition toward her people, especially of the last generation, that we are deceived, self-satisfied, and asleep in our sins? She did compare her ministry to John's.
Are we still the people of the Book? All of us? Are we still searching the scriptures as for hidden treasures? She made another assessment of our final SDA generation,
"As the storm approaches, a large class who have professed faith in the third angel's message, but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth, abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition. By uniting with the world and partaking of its spirit, they have come to view matters in nearly the same light; and when the test is brought, they are prepared to choose the easy, popular side. Men of talent and pleasing address, who once rejoiced in the truth, employ their powers to deceive and mislead souls." Great Controversy, p. 608.
If it turns out that I am not sealed with the Seal of the living God, then how can I possibly navigate the deceptions that are being arrayed against the children of the Most High? How can I be part of the Latter Rain and the great Tribulation, and not abandon my Three Angels' theology? How can I survive Jacob's troubles, and with face pale and haggard, stand when Jesus returns? How will I be changed when we shall see Him as He is, and not run in stark terror, only to be destroyed by the heat of His presence and the brightness of His coming?
It all begins with the fear of God, and the Law and testimonies.
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