The ten principles of the Reformation
Salvation, what it does/does not come from. Sermon by Dr. Ganoune Diop and based on the Augsburg Confession, which was written in 1530 by Reformer Phillip Melancthon.
(Minute 1:46:29-2:46:11)
1) Minute 2:05:02
Sola scriptura
Faith in God based on scripture alone.
Not salvation by scripture + tradition, Pope's decrees, bulls, etc., or even by Protestant private interpretation.
2) Minute 2:06:13
Sola gratia
Salvation is based on God's grace alone.
Not salvation by human merit, innate goodness, personal resources, some kind of human divinity, spirits, the pope, Mary, (the Holy Spirit third person of the Godhead), priests, saints, pastors, rabbis, Pharisees.
5) Minute 2:10:21
Soli Deo gloria
To God alone be the glory.
Not salvation by seeking recognition, seeking affirmation, self-exaltation, thus seeking the glory due only to God. We are so sick that we think having a degree, a PhD, a job, a name, that we are above other people and even above God. Self-promotion, self-preservation. So much idolatry that people don't believe in Christianity anymore. That's why we put some people above others. We still believe in hierarchical mediation. God appoints us a work, and we immediately believe we are superior to others. We believe that God has anointed us, rather than God having anointed everyone.
The truth, Soli Deo gloria, when we believe it, makes us free. We don't have to go around anymore to prove ourselves to anyone. If God loves you why would you need to get recognition when His Spirit is more than sufficient? Our educational system's high day of idolatry--graduation! Graduates walk down like they are demi-gods instead of humbly thanking God, parents, relatives, teachers, for getting them through.
6) Minute 2:13:52
Presbyteri fidelio
Priesthood of all believers. New covenant direct access to God. No more old covenant barriers--the court of the Gentiles, the court of men/women, the sick having to stay further away, the altar of sacrifice, the laver, only priests enter the sanctuary, only the high priest could enter the Most Holy Place once a year--barriers upon barriers. The system of human mediation. The priesthood Jesus established to point Israel and Gentiles to His Messiahship. Later, after His crucifixion, He abolished it.
But, in his drive to usurp the church, Satan multiplied pagan rites, calling them holy. Thus the gospel of the kingdom of God was cast down as was prophesied in Daniel 8:10-12. Nevertheless, from His heavenly court, Jesus reinstituted His apostolic doctrine during the Reformation.
Now, prayer is in secret. No more holy places on Earth, no more holy objects, holy personnel (ouch), and their clothing (collars, robes, hats). No more holy water, holy tongue, glossolalia, Hebrew, Greek, Spanish, holy education school of the prophets. SDAs have borrowed a lot from Catholicism and don't know it. We can't brag about anything.
Nobody can put you down because your dignity is anchored in God. If Jesus died for you then there's something infinitely mysterious about you, and valuable.
7) Minute 2:25:20
Ecclesia semper reformanda est
The church is always reforming, improving, striving to be like Jesus. When the SDA Church says we have all the truth then we are in danger. The more we discover truth the more we are called to live according to that truth.
8) Minute 2:26:00
Against sacraments not grounded in scripture. Only two of the "Seven Sacraments" were scriptural ceremonies--baptism and communion.
9) Minute 2:27:00
Marriage is not a sacrament--it is made before God, the church does not have jurisdiction over marriages. Therefore, the church cannot mandate celibacy.
10) Minute 2:28:30
Freedom, religious liberty, toleration.
This is where the Reformation failed, and eventually intolerance prevailed.
Zwingli against Anabaptists--he murdered two Anabaptist leaders by emersion, they were drowned.
Calvin against Anti-trinitarianism. John Calvin murdered Anti-trinitarian Michael Servitus, he was burned at the stake.
Luther believed that the Christian is lord of all, subject to none. But he wouldn't accord that right to the peasants (serfs, slaves). During Peasant Rebellion, Luther sided with the Princes. Consequently, 100,000 peasants were murdered.
He must not have moderated this doctrine with 1 Corinthians 10:23, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not."
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