Another comment to same YouTube maker
The Creator is not the god of
this world. The god of this world eclipses the Unknown God perfectly, like our
moon does our sun. And our Creator arranged for the solar eclipse to teach us
this. Our sun, which is 400 times more distant than our moon, which is 400
times smaller than the sun, is no coincidence, but providential. Here’s an
evidence for faith.
It’s not the Creator who from
the beginning “smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled
the nations in anger” (Isa. 14:6), it’s the god of this world who has loved to
do that. Don’t discount the commander of devils in your formula of this life.
And he is so sly and wily that he, like the moon, makes himself look just like
the only true God. “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be
like the most High.” (Isa. 14:14). Israel fell for Baal (“the Lord”)
constantly. We are so easily duped! The smarter we get the dumber we get!
Forgive me for that outburst. “Who can understand His errors? cleanse Thou me
from secret faults.” (Ps. 19:12). God’s errors are simply Satan’s manipulations
of our perceptions and his keeping our big picture very small. But, God says, “Come,
let us reason together.”
When we understand that Jesus
leaves the tragedies of life to give us opportunities to dump self and
everything else we think is most important, and be spent on helping others,
then we will thank our Creator for His patient wisdom in letting the bed we
made be a place to be taught by Him. And when we finally bow in self-abasement
at the realization of our arrogance, then we will repent in dust and ashes at
the foot of the cross. And there will be the rejoicing in heaven, “Yes! She’s
got it!”
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