Overview of my book on the Revelation trumpets
I have written a
book. The title is, The Seven Trumpets and The Investigative Judgment, by David D. Burdick. In several ways it takes a different approach to The Revelation,
compared to that of traditional Adventism. In particular it looks at the
spiritual issues contained in the seven trumpets that are much deeper than our
traditional interpretation of military conquests. The deeper issues are that of
the everlasting gospel, which is especially the case in the 5th and 6th
trumpets. And I see that, by a pervasive rebellion in humanity against the Law
of God, we are nearing the final end of the 6th trumpet. It is almost time for
the Revelation 10:11 pronouncement in heaven.
My book is in
print and e-book form. So I want to give a brief overview in case anyone out
there might want to read the book.
chapters 4 through 11 form the core storyline of the book of Revelation. The
chapters that follow chapter 11 are brought in to expand and to add more
details. The seals and trumpets drama are not optional to understand
Revelation, they form the vital heart of the last book of the Bible.
Chapter 1:
Revelation chapter 4
This scene shows
the throne of God before sin began. Heaven was a holy place, a peaceful place,
a joyful place. The praises to God concern creation only, His pleasure, His
power, His honor, in creating. And no praise mentions a Redeemer, because in
those eons before the great controversy, there was no need of redemption.
Chapter 2:
Revelation chapter 5
Sudden change
comes over the angelic atmosphere of heaven. It’s the same picture with God
upon His throne, except that God has a mysterious book (a scroll) sealed up so
tightly that only the crucifixion of the Son of God could authorize its
opening. This book is the great controversy, the accusations against God and
the issues over His Law. God is on trial. Has He been the proper leader? Has
His government offered the best for the greatest happiness of the kingdom? Has
He overreached His own Law and become a dictator? These were accusations that
Lucifer brought against the Creator of heaven and Earth. Christ crucified is
the only one able to clear God of His charges. Afterwards, the whole family of
heaven and earth sing praises to Him who sat on the throne and to the Lamb.
Those praises are now about redemption only.
Chapter 3:
Revelation chapter 6
The Lamb takes
the seals off of the scroll, one at a time. The first seal represents the
church during its apostolic period, ending at 100 AD when John dies. The second
seal (100-321 AD) represents a church period of intense pagan persecution until
Constantine stopped the persecution and allowed the church to become the
official religion of the Roman Empire. The third seal (321-538) represents the
dying church period when it, in order to please its government employer,
conformed its standards to paganism in order to let the pagans join the state
religion, Christianity. The fourth seal (538-1517) represents the dead period
as papal church continued its trajectory to kingly greatness and exalted itself
higher than the kings of Europe. Satan possessed the Church that silenced
anyone who cried out against its corruptions and wickedness, and its inbred
spiritualism. Then Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation. The fifth
seal (1517-1755) represented the aftermath of the Reformation. During the
Counter-Reformation 900,000 Protestants were martyred. They are shown in the
Revelation as sacrificial lambs laid on the altar. This period ends at the
close of the sixth seal (1755-1844), which represented the short period that
begins in an end-times conscious Protestant America and the Second
Advent message by William Miller. Just prior to the seventh seal is removed
from the scroll we see a scene of Christ’s second coming. This was not the
actual return of Christ—it was the global Advent movement of the 1830s and
early ‘40s. But, the people were not ready for His coming. Before He can
return, His people must be sealed. The sealing will be the necessary
preparation for the actual day that He visits His judgments on the Protestant
nation and the world that it has protected from the Roman papacy.
Chapter 4:
Revelation chapter 7
This chapter
introduces the sealing. That is such a major issue that it pauses the removal
of the seals from the sealed scroll pageant to explain who will stand when the
Lamb comes and who will run in abject fear. The answer is: Whoever gets the seal
in the conscience will go with Jesus, and leave this doomed world. And this
chapter gives the first picture of how happily the great controversy will end.
Chapter 5:
Revelation chapter 8
After the chapter
7 intermission, we need to come back to where we left off when the 6th seal
closed. So, the Lamb removes the seventh seal. The sanctuary scene that follows
is connected with the seventh seal. Since the 6th seal ended in chapter 6, and
the seal of God is shown ascending from the east in 1844 in chapter 7, then,
chapter 8 picks up after the foretaste of all the happy celebration throughout
eternity. Silence divides the chapter 7 intermission from the chapter 8 sanctuary
scene; the silence separates the previous rejoicing at the end of the
controversy scene of chapter 7 from the solemn chapter 8 events to follow in
order to set up a new mindset in the reader. It is a reminder that our
celebration is promised, but not yet ours to have as Paul groaned for (Romans
8:23). We are the church militant against self that must first endure the
rigors of the trumpet dangers yet to come. Through a special dispensation of
faith by an abundant gift of His Spirit in the Latter Rain, Jesus gives us a
way of escape so that we are able to endure the great time of trouble.
The Angel High
Priest is in the Holy Place, ready to enter the Most Holy. But, first He casts
His censer to the earth and the 1st trumpet blows. We can say that the 1st
trumpet is connected with the previous sanctuary scene because the contents of
the censer and His blood are what fall from the sky onto the earth during the
1st trumpet. The contents damage “the third part” of the trees and all the
fields of grain. This signified the start of the Christ’s work of sealing by
His sparing some of the trees (leaders of Protestantism), and His work of
marking by God’s overthrowing the denominations and the worst of the
Protestants who rejected the plain truth of the blessed hope of Jesus’ return.
The Bible compares people to trees and grain.
The 2nd trumpet
blew and Mt. Sinai is thrown into the sea and quenched, showing the churches
abrogating the Law of God. Now most of the Protestants had no protection from
Satan’s spells.
So, the 3rd
trumpet blew and Satan is seen poisoning their hearts and minds, and their whole
way of viewing this world and the providences of God. Faith, true, genuine
faith leaves every American who would remain in the new lawless Protestantism.
Now that God is fictionalized by the new Protestants’ rejection of His Law,
this world is all that most of them can live for.
The 4th trumpet
blew and the Sunday churches went totally dark spiritually, as institutions.
But, the door of heaven was still open to them individually. Scripture shows
that the darkened heavenly lights symbolize that the Bible is no longer
understood by Protestantism, and the Bible’s central importance is lost to Protestants.
Now that Protestant America has lost its only resource for a spiritual compass
in God’s word, an angel flies over the earth, alarming the world of the three
woes that come with the last three trumpets.
Chapter 6:
Revelation chapter 9
The 5th trumpet
blew. God looses Satan to ransack Protestantism and bring it, and the world it
that has blessed, into subjection to the powers of hell. Every Protestant not being
sealed, especially in Protestant America, is tormented with the same vexation
of spirit that Solomon and King Saul experienced when they apostatized from the
Lord. Christ forewarned his people of this in His Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy
28, 29 curses. Specifically, Deuteronomy 29:18-22 speaks to the Revelation 5th
trumpet, as does the 3rd angel’s message of Revelation 14:9-11. In fact, the 3rd
angel’s message is all about the 5th and 6th trumpet plagues; the components of
those two trumpets make up the message of the 3rd angel of Revelation 14—the
torment and desolation of soul that comes from not fearing God as our Judge and
not getting to know Jesus as our merciful Advocate, preparing for His judgment
and His final return.
The ancient false
religion that caused such havoc to Israel was Baal worship. But Baal was simply
one face among the thousands of false religions around the ancient world as
well as our modern world, all spawned from ancient Babel. It is a religion that
dares to approach God with the worshipers’ own manufactured repentance and
holiness. The modern counterpart of Baal and Ashtoreth worship is Spiritual
Formation. Spiritual Formation sets aside the Law’s reproofs, which bring
us to need a Savior from sin. Before Christ can be a Savior, He must be a
Prince who wields His glittering sword. God will have it no other way. But,
Satan, stepping in between God and His people, offers a more comfortable
redemption, without the messy humbling that God requires. By peace and flattery
he has destroyed many since the days of Cain; and now he is doing the same in
the Protestant churches and in the Advent movement. We are repeating the
history of Israel at Baal-peor, and many Adventists are falling for it,
including leaders. This is the message of the 3rd angel and it speaks of the
5th and 6th trumpet plagues.
The language of
the 3rd angel’s message comes from the 5th and 6th trumpets—another reason to
believe that the trumpets happen during the heaven-ordained Advent movement and
investigative judgment that precede the antitypical Day of Atonement. It only
makes sense that all the seven trumpets should blow during the Advent movement
that awaited the heavenly sanctuary cleansing, since the typical feast of
trumpets was connected with the cleansing of the earthly sanctuary.
There is a time
period with the 5th trumpet—5 prophetic months, 150 years. I realize Ellen
White seemed to say that there would be no more time prophecies after 1844.
But, that is not what her statements actually say. She was speaking of time
proclamations, as William Miller gave. She left no commentary on the seven
trumpets. I believe she only communicated what Jesus wanted her to give us during
the time of the 150 year time prophecy. If, in the 1800s, we had known we would
be here another 150 years and beyond, we doubtless would have apostatized into
pagan celebration a long time ago.
One thing is very
clear, Revelation 9:4 (the 5th trumpet) and 7:3 (1844) are unarguably speaking
of the same holy transformation—the seal of God in the forehead. So, my
conclusion is that Revelation 7:3 introduces the sealing, and 9:4 explains how
it is received (and, therefore, how the mark of the beast is avoided). Sr.
White wrote volumes on every other subject, while she wrote essentially nothing
about the seven trumpets, evidently because Jesus gave her no light on the
trumpets. The time must wait until the prophecy was completed before He would
bring its meaning to light. That time has arrived. I believe that the 5th
trumpet time prophecy began as we were hammering out our fundamental beliefs in
the Sabbath conferences. In 1849, the start of the 5th trumpet prophecy, the
California Gold Rush altered the face of Protestant America. In 1999, 150 years
later, another gold rush closed the 5th trumpet—the stock market gold rush of
the late 1990s. These two gold rushes are the bookends for the 5th trumpet.
In between those
years technology exponentially developed and drew the world-loving Protestant
multitudes permanently away from God and His Law. And that separation from the
Protestants’ God has tormented them like Jesus was tormented on the cross
because His Father had left Him. During those 5 prophetic months, the Spirit of
God had been leaving Protestant America and Satan had been moving in to fill the
void, and bringing his bitter wormwood spirit with him. Largely through the
earthly agencies of Rome and her Jesuit masters of deception temptations have
stolen all the freedom and happiness that the original Protestant Reformers
passed down to Protestants in America. The Jesuits and the Vatican are the
locusts from the bottomless pit of the 5th trumpet (Rev. 9:3) (they are called
“the beast” in Revelation 11:7). Satan, driving them across the earth, is the billowing
black smoke.
The 6th trumpet
blew. Now that Protestant Americans have departed from God and lived on His
promised land of refuge with total forgetfulness of the God of Protestantism,
He allows for their complete possession by the god they love so much, the god
of this world. As the 10 tribes of Israel lived for Baal for 200 years until
the Lord vomited them out of His land, so is He doing to Protestant Americans
today. Soon, and very soon, Protestantism’s enemy from the Dark Ages will have
conquered the United States by locusts filling the leading offices and agencies in the U.S. Government.
In the 6th
trumpet, the locusts can do what they were forbidden to do during the 5th
trumpet, that is, “kill” the soul. All of their torment until 1999 came from
the work of separating the people from the one true God of their Reformation
fathers. Now that the denominations are fully separated from the God of the
Bible, they commit the unpardonable sin by returning to the spiritualistic,
pagan Vatican; and they become a persecuting nation. This explains the unjust
destruction of Muslims based on the false premise that Islamists caused 9/11.
All the evidence of 9/11 points to specially placed and protected individuals
within American government agencies—Jesuits—who choreographed the 9/11 black
flag operation under the purview of Rome. (Dan. 8:12).
9/11 has set the
stage for the coming tribulation of all nations. We are in the very end of
time. God is almost finished scattering of the power of His holy people (Dan.
When the seventh
trumpet will blow, the 3rd woe will mean total world domination by Satan and
his filling every heart with his mean anger. Then, the few who in reverence seriously
received God, His Law, and His redemption will stand out from the
demon-controlled crowds. Everyone who played off the Spirit of Prophecy
counsels as unneeded during the 5th and 6th trumpets God will require it of
them in the seventh trumpet. This we see at the end of Revelation 11.
Chapter 7:
Revelation chapter 10
This chapter
begins to show glory from the end of a long, dark, distressing tunnel of woe.
It opens during the unconscionable desolations by the conscienceless world of
the Revelation chapter 9 6th trumpet. Christ is seen clothed with a cloud of
incense and glory. The little sealed scroll, which He took from His Father in
Revelation chapter 5, is now opened after the trumpets have done their work of
scattering the power of faith living in His Protestant people (which includes
the SDAs, as will be seen in Revelation 11). Christ roars like a lion because
His forbearing work as Lamb is finished, and it is time to judge the world and
to end Satan’s controversy against God. With infinite thunder, God agrees with
His Son.
So, Jesus swears
by His Father that the delay of the 6th seal is all but complete—the sealing is
almost finished—when He can finally come in power and glory. But, first He will
give humanity one last opportunity to be saved, as He gave it the antediluvian
world. He commands John to eat the scroll of the great controversy and to
“prophesy again.” But, if we use scripture to interpret scripture, then this is
not speaking of the Millerite Great Disappointment of 1844. It is speaking of
an event within the final chapter of the seal/trumpet chronology, Revelation
chapter 11.
When do we see
any prophesying taking place since Revelation chapter 4? We don’t see any
prophesying up to Revelation chapter 10. But, we do see it in the next chapter,
almost immediately following the command of chapter 10 to prophesy again. We
see it in Revelation chapter 11.
Chapter 8:
Revelation chapter 11
This chapter
concludes the seal/trumpet story that is the core of Revelation. The chapter
introduces its intent to judge the church by John being given a measuring rod.
The church is found guilty of apostasy, except for a very small remnant that
defends the truth “in the days of their prophecy” (Rev. 11:6). The prophecy of
that very small remnant sweeps through 2,000 years to include the apostolic
church, the church in the wilderness, and the Reformation. The fire of truth
shoots out of the mouths of God’s wilderness church champions of truth, and
devours the enemies of His gospel, like their Master did (Isa. 11:4; 2 Thess.
2:8). This campaign against Satan continues successfully until 1849 when the
hosts of darkness fly out of an opened bottomless pit (Rev. 11:7). Then, the
Lord’s witnesses are warred against, later are overcome, and eventually cease
their prophesying. In the lengthy Revelation 11 prophecy, this victory over the
prophesying witnesses by the beast from the bottomless pit is where the Revelation
10 scene occurs. Revelation 10 is giving the greater historical context of Revelation
9 when the locusts have desolated the mighty and holy people, and led them to
repentance and the sealing. Thus, it is time for the mighty and holy people to
prophesy again.
Satan cannot
immediately kill the Advent movement while Ellen White lives. But, he first
makes war (also seen in Rev. 12:17), then he overcomes, and finally he kills
the Advent movement. We lay dead in the aisles of the church for a period of
time that figuratively expresses judgment on God’s people (Luke 4:25; Jas.
5:17). Then, when God has accomplished our total humbling and all of our
self-sufficiency is gone, then He resurrects His two witnesses, gives them the
Latter Rain, and the earth is reaped. This ends the 2nd woe; and the seventh
trumpet blows. Total chaos rules the world and the last we see is a Most Holy
Place in heaven empty of a High Priest because Christ has left there to come
and get His people. The mystery of God’s character of love and fairness, as
written in the little scroll, is finished. His judgment is finished, and He is
exonerated by His character perfectly reflected in His sealed children.
This ends the
core of Revelation. I hope it wasn’t too hard to follow. The rest of the book
of Revelation expands upon the main storyline of chapters 4 through 11.
I’ve heard much
about chiasms in Revelation, which describe it as a tiered literary structure,
the first vision being similar to the last vision, the second vision similar
the second-to-last vision, etc., a ABCD…DCBA pattern. Centuries ago, the
subject of chiastic structures in the book of Revelation began small and
gradually grew in acceptance. I’ve looked at charts that show the chiasms of
Revelation, and it all seems good. But, I see that the primary view of
Revelation must be a concise storyline for the first half of Revelation, and
detailed visions given afterwards to be fitted into the basic story. I see
Revelation chapters 4 to 22 simply as basically two halves of one book. In the
first half, we have the core first 8 chapters that give a bird’s eye view of
the book, such as this overview does for my book. Then, the next 11 chapters
give details that must be brought in at the correct places of the core
storyline of Revelation, chapters 4 through 11.
The Spirit’s
organization of the Revelation visions in a simple story format seems very
wise. A simple storyline I can handle. But, chiasms are a little too
complicated for me.
Even children can
understand the simple core storyline of Revelation. Of course, the symbology is
a deeper subject, and that makes the Bible a challenge for adults. But, I’m
thankful that Revelation is much more understandable than most people think
because of the way it was laid out as a simple story by the Spirit of God.
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