Magical Books
Signs of the Times,
May 18, 1882
Burning of the Magical Books, by Mrs. E. G. White
(My emphasis in blue and my thoughts in red)
In the days of the apostles, the city of
Ephesus was famed for the worship of the goddess Diana and the practice of magic.
The temple of Diana was considered, for its size and splendor, one of the
wonders of the world. Its surpassing magnificence made it the pride of both the
city and the nation. The idol itself was but an uncouth wooden image, on which were inscribed mystic
characters and symbols. These were supposed to
possess great power. When pronounced, they were said to accomplish wonders.
When written, they were treasured as a
potent charm to guard their possessor
from robbers, from disease, and even from death. Numerous and costly
books were written by the Ephesians to explain the meaning and use of these
mysterious symbols. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 1}
In this city, the very stronghold of
superstition and sorcery, the apostle Paul labored for several years. Here the
power of God was mightily displayed through his servant. The sick were healed,
and evil spirits were cast out. {ST, May
18, 1882 par. 2}
The miracles wrought by Paul in the name
of Jesus, created great excitement in Ephesus. Among those who practiced magic
arts were certain Jewish exorcists, who claimed to possess the same power
exercised by Paul. Believing that the name of Jesus acted as a charm, they determined to cast out evil spirits by the same
means which the apostle had employed.
{ST, May 18, 1882 par. 3}
An attempt was made by seven brothers, the
sons of Sceva, a chief priest of the Jews. Finding a man who was possessed with
an evil spirit, they addressed him, “We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul
preacheth.” But the evil spirit answered with scorn, “Jesus I know, and Paul I
know; but who are you?” and the man who was possessed attacked them with such
violence that they fled out of the house, naked and wounded. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 4}
The discomfiture
and humiliation of those who had profaned the name of Jesus soon became known
throughout Ephesus, by Jews and Gentiles. It furnished unmistakable proof of
the sacredness of that name, and the peril which they incurred who should
invoke it, while they had no faith in Christ’s divine mission. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 5}
Many dared not breathe aloud the name, on
which they had hitherto heaped reproach and blasphemy. A large number were convinced that Christ was all that
Paul claimed him to be, and they determined to receive the gospel. These openly
renounced the practice of sorcery, and acknowledged their secret arts to be
deceptive and Satanic. They brought together the manuals of enchantment, the
costly books containing the mystic symbols of Diana, and the secrets of their
art, and burned them in the presence of all the people. The sacrifice thus made
was estimated at fifty thousand pieces of silver, equal to about ten thousand
dollars [of 1882 money, a $Million today?]. {ST, May 18,
1882 par. 6}
The conversion of these Ephesians was
attended with the results that always follow genuine conversion. When
convinced that their magical books were false and pernicious, they were
unwilling to sell them and thus place temptation in the way of others. They
promptly burned the records of divination, at a great personal sacrifice. The power of truth triumphed
over men’s prejudices, favorite pursuits, and love of money. {ST, May 18,
1882 par. 7}
Those magical books contained rules and
forms of communication with evil spirits. They were, in fact, the
regulations of the worship of Satan; directions for soliciting his help, and
obtaining information from him. The system of magic or sorcery then extant was
in reality the same as that which is now known as modern Spiritualism. Many
were deceived in Paul’s day by this Satanic delusion, and many are deceived
today by the same power. “Magical books” were not confined to the apostolic
age, or to nations that are called heathen. The sorcerers of our time are
taking advantage of the freedom of the press to spread abroad their baleful
literature. Could all the productions of modern Spiritualism be treated as were
the magical books of the Ephesians, one of Satan’s most successful avenues to
destroy the souls of men would be cut off. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 8}
Witchcraft and sorcery are practiced in
this Christian age and Christian nation, even more boldly than by the old-time
magicians. Satan is finding access to thousands of minds by presenting himself
under the guise of departed friends. The Scriptures of truth declare that “the
dead know not anything.” Their thoughts, their love, their hatred, have
perished. The dead do not hold communion with the living. But Satan--true
to his early cunning, when in the form of a serpent he deceived the mother of
our race--employs this device to gain
control of the minds of men. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 9}
Paul warns his Corinthian brethren of the
deceptive power of their great adversary. He declares, “I fear that by any
means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should
be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 10}
He writes to his son Timothy, “Now the
Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the
faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.” {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 11}
In his second epistle to the
Thessalonians, he warns them that the second advent of our Lord will be
preceded by the working of Satan,” with all power, and signs, and lying
wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish,
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And
for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a
lie.” {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 12}
Because the children of men reject the
plainest teachings of his word, and trample upon his law, God leaves them to
choose that which they desire. They spurn the truth, and he permits them to
believe a lie. They refuse to yield to the convictions of the Holy Spirit, and
Satan, transforming himself into an angel of light, leads them captive at his
will. If men were but conversant with the word of God, and obedient to
its teachings, they could not be thus deceived; but
they neglect the great detector of fraud, and the mind becomes confused and
corrupted by the deceptive arts of men, and the secret power of the father of
{ST, May 18, 1882 par. 13}
Men of intelligence are infatuated
with Satanic sorcery as verily today as in the days of Paul. Thousands accept the opinion of the minister or obey
the injunctions of the pope or priest, and neglect God’s word and despise his
truth. God would have his people learn their duty for themselves. The Bible
declares his will to men, and it is as much our privilege and our duty to learn
that will as it is that of ministers and popes and priests to learn it. What
they can read from God’s word, we can all read.
{ST, May 18, 1882 par. 14}
When the Ephesian converts burned their
books on magic, they showed that they hated what they had once loved, and loved
what they had once hated. The light of truth, shinning [shining] into their minds, had convinced them of the
unlawfulness of their arts, and had stirred their souls with abhorrence of
their unholy deeds. Such a change is the best evidence of true conversion. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 15}
A person may not be able to tell the exact
time or place, or to trace all the chain of circumstances in the process of
conversion; yet this does not prove him to be unconverted. Said Christ to
Nicodemus, “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound
thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth. So is every
one that is born of the Spirit.” Though the work of grace is silent and almost
imperceptible, it may be fully as effective as when its operations are more
apparent. But if the heart has been renewed by the Holy Spirit, the life will
bear witness to the fact. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Light and
darkness are not more distinct than are the state of the converted and the unconverted.
A change will be seen in the character, the habits, the pursuits. The contrast
will be clear and decided between what they have been and what they are. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 16}
The world and the church have a right to
expect such proof of true conversion as was given by the Ephesians,--proof that
a new moral taste has been created. You may not have practiced sorcery, you may
not have tampered with Spiritualism; but remember that “To whom ye yield
yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey.” If you
indulge in any practice forbidden in God’s word, you have yielded obedience to
Satan; you are his servant. {ST, May 18,
1882 par. 17}
Every unconverted
man is fascinated, bewildered, by the bewitching power of the great deceiver.
Paul wrote to the Galatians, “Who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey
the truth?” Every person who cherishes a known error, in faith or practice, is
under the power of sorcery, and is practicing sorcery upon others. Satan
employs him to mislead other souls. {ST,
May 18, 1882 par. 18}
If we would indeed become children of God,
we must renounce at once and forever, every sinful indulgence. We must close
every avenue through which Satan may gain control of our thoughts or our affections.
Many persons manifest determined hatred of some sins denounced in the word of
God, while they at the same time indulge their favorite sin. Not so did the
Ephesian converts. Their particular sin was magic. By this means Satan held
them in his power. They might have been earnest and vigilant to correct other
evils, but had they spared this one sin, they would erelong have yielded their
faith. But they laid the axe to the root of the tree; they renounced the hidden
things of darkness and destroyed that which had led them into sin. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 19}
This incident, was placed on record as an
important lesson for every age. The Ephesians directed their efforts against
the very sin of which they were guilty. Have the people of God in this age
acted in like manner? There are many who manifest supreme devotion to their
money, their business or their houses and lands. The ambitious man worships
fame or honor as his idol. The covetous man fosters covetousness. The
sensualist is wedded to his lust. These love their cherished objects of pursuit
more than they love God. They are idolaters.
{ST, May 18, 1882 par. 20}
Those who venture to cherish the
sin which they love best, are tampering with Satan’s sorcery. The enchanting
power of temptation has paralyzed conscience and blinded reason, so that they
do not perceive their danger [sorcery by cherishing a
sin and its temptations]. The magical books have not been destroyed. {ST, May 18,
1882 par. 21}
When the truth, presented to the understanding,
exerts its sanctifying power upon the heart, the sins which were once cherished
will be put away, that Jesus may occupy the soul-temple. If covetousness has
been indulged, it will be given up. If the love of the world has captivated the
senses, a higher attraction will break its power. Deceit, falsehood, impurity,
will be cleansed from the heart. He who maintains his allegiance to Christ, can
render no service to Christ’s bitterest foe.
{ST, May 18, 1882 par. 22}
Many place themselves on the enchanted
ground by frequenting scenes of amusement where fallen spirits congregate [the movie theater or cable/DVD or YouTube or amusement
park]. Professing Christian, when you
resort to the theater, remember that Satan is there, conducting the play as the
master-actor. He is there to excite passion and glorify vice. The very
atmosphere is permeated with licentiousness.
Satan presides, also, at the masquerade and the dance; he throws around the
card-table its bewitching power. Wherever an influence is exerted to
cause men to forget their Creator, there Satan is at work, it matters not how
innocent the guise under which he conceals his purpose. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 23}
Many who cannot be attracted by the
allurements of pleasure, are ensnared by the teachings of “science falsely
so-called.” These are led to extol human reason, above divine revelation; to
exalt nature, and forget the God of nature. Is
there no magic, no sorcery, going on around us?
{ST, May 18, 1882 par. 24}
The press is now sending out books in
great numbers, that teach the ignorant and unsuspecting how they may serve
Satan [“When they speak great swelling words of
vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness,
those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. While they promise
them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man
is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.” (2Pet. 2:18,19)]. There are works breathing the poison of skepticism
and infidelity. There are treatises on
money-making, that fill thousands of minds with fancies and follies, that fire
thousands with an insane desire to amass wealth.
There are fascinating volumes, that portray with all the power of human
eloquence the lives of those who have made fame their god. And outnumbering all other productions of the press,
like the swarms of locusts that darkened the whole land, comes the flood
of novels and romances, to cultivate in the youth a love-sick sentimentalism, to teach them that courtship and marriage are the
great object of their existence, and to unfit them for the practical duties of
a useful life. {ST, May 18, 1882 par.
Satan is seeking by every means he can
devise, to suggest doubts concerning the truth of God’s word. Those who are
naturally inclined to skepticism should, above all others, avoid everything
that would strengthen this dangerous tendency. On the contrary, many read with
avidity skeptical writings which exert such a deceptive, bewitching
power that the reader seeks in vain to free the mind or purify the heart from
the unholy spell. Evil angels, having
once gained access, suggest doubts that human reasoning is powerless to remove. When God speaks to the soul, those who would be free
will cut every tie that holds them under Satan’s power. They will destroy that
which so nearly proved their ruin, lest it prove the ruin of others. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 26}
Many a work is highly prized for
its wealth and beauty of language, when these are but a fair garment to conceal
principles that in their native deformity would shock the reader. Those
principles have led the author step by step away from God, from hope, and
Heaven. Will they not exert the same influence upon the reader? The course of the Ephesians was the only safe course
for them; it is the only safe course for you. Destroy these agencies of Satan.
Put beyond your reach that which has power to seduce you. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 27}
The authors of no small share of current
literature are men who have lived in the atmosphere of vice, and who are slaves
of passion. Poets of brilliant talents have perverted their powers to the
service of Satan. Over all that is good, and pure, and noble, they have cast
the darkness of their own base thoughts. They encourage dissipation and
sanction vice. {ST, May 18, 1882 par.
The bewildering brilliancy, the deceptive
pathos, of many a gifted author, are Satan’s bait to allure and destroy the
souls of men. Many who are in no danger from the productions of the gross and
sensual, are deceived by writers who virtually clothe Satan in angel’s garments
and make him a benefactor of the race. Such works are legion. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 29}
Have the disciples of Christ burned the
magical books? Have they made a decided change in their principles and habits
of life? Have they separated themselves from the enchantments of the world?
Those who, knowing their danger, will yet venture into places of worldly,
demoralizing amusement, or who will poison the mind with the literary
productions of the skeptic, or the sensualist, are guilty of presumption. God
does not give his angels charge to keep those who choose to walk in forbidden
paths. {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 30}
When in the way
of duty we are brought into trial, as was Daniel in the king’s court, we may be
assured that God will preserve us. But if, through stubbornness, hardihood, or
bravado, we place ourselves under the power of temptation, we shall fall,
sooner or later. {ST, May 18, 1882 par.
We are living at a time when Satan’s power
is great. “As a roaring lion, he walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”
Anon, he will quell his roar to the faintest whisper, that he may deceive the
unsuspecting by his hellish arts. The glories of the world are presented in
glowing colors to fascinate the senses, to beguile unstable souls. What have
professed Christians done to close every avenue whereby Satan can approach
them? Have they given proof of the work wrought in them by the Holy Spirit? Have
they erected barriers, firm and strong, between their soul and every earthly
idol? {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 32}
The infidel, when converted, will abhor
the books that led him to doubt the word of God. The dissolute man who has
purified his soul by obedience to the truth, will not venture into the haunts
of dissipation, from curiosity or habit. Neither will he permit his mind to
dwell upon such scenes, portrayed in the pages of the sensualist. He will be
awake to his danger, shunning temptation himself, and earnestly warning others
of its bewitching power. Whatever the idol previously cherished, the converted
man will not only resist evil, but will, so far as possible, place himself
beyond the power of Satan. Again we would ask the followers of Christ, “Have
you burned the magical books?” {ST, May 18, 1882 par. 33}
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