Reply and my addendum to previous YouTube comment
Jesus is truth
This is an excellent message
thank you brother, so rebuking the devil in the name of Jesus is still
conversing and instead speaking the word of God only? Very good advice thank you
It’s never safe to talk to
the serpent. He may sound nice or even afraid, but he always speaks with a
forked tongue. He makes it appear that he responds to our demands [to leave]. But he
immediately reneges and comes right back. I believe their goal is to get us to
rely on a means to exorcise them other than by the reception of the Bible’s
reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. Every other means, even
a crucifix, only allows them to bind our minds ever tighter. The only thing
that people can use against Satan’s overpowering force is to hear and hope in
the truth and grace, precepts and promises, of God’s word. And it must be the
person under Satan’s power who drives him out by the authority of Christ
through faith in the word of God. This is what happened to you and to all the
YouTube testifiers. Truth entered your mind through the Providences of Christ,
and when you believed and received the truth then the power of darkness fell
and the power of light took over. “Thou hast led captivity captive” (Ps.
68:18). In the presence of Christ, “the Spirit of Christ” (1Pet. 1:11, cf Gal.
4:6), “the Spirit of truth” (John 14:17, cf vs. 6), the devils had to flee from
you. “He doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the
inhabitants of the earth.” (Dan. 4:35). The hosts of darkness are in torment
and rage in the presence of the Prince of infinite, immutable righteousness and
self-sacrificing love. There is a spiritual science here, and we get to be the
scientists and the guinea pigs.
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The word of God has to be
understood, loved, and trusted in. This means surrender.
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