God touches His only begotten Son who touches us
If someone is electrocuted and holding on to an energized high voltage source, we say not to touch that person because you would get electrocuted through him. Is any voltage lost in the first person so that the first body loses voltage and then doesn’t give the same high voltage to the next person? I couldn’t find any info about voltage loss on the internet. If there is a lessening of power, how could this parallel the power of God unto salvation?
God, the Ancient of days, the Almighty, Originator and Owner of the universe, gave power and eternal life to His divine, only begotten Son. The Son of God, co-Creator of the life on every inhabited planet, and co-Redeemer of the lost race of Adam, passes that divine power from His almighty Father to all who love to connect their souls with His. His Father gave Him an angelic form in order to be the great Mediator between angels and God. And the angelic hosts have ever loved that arrangement, as seen in Revelation chapter 4.
Likewise, the Father gave His only begotten Son our form, a body that contained all the sinful tendencies that comes with our fallen human nature. But He also inherited all that His Father could bequeath to Him—His almighty, sinless Spirit. That almighty divine inheritance dominated anything and everything that Mariam’s deficient nature had to offer. This way He could be our perfect, sinless Mediator without a single propensity to sin, so that in our darkened understanding of the great Father of all, we could grasp the Father through His begotten Son. And we could follow His example for our victory over sin, as He condemned sin in our flesh.
In Adam’s unfallen state, he could receive all the holy energy from the Father, passed to him through the Son of God. But, sin so weakened Adam that ever afterward the great Father’s power would instantly destroy him, even though it came through the Son. Therefore, the Son must remain away from Adam and his descendants, but not as distant as the Father who must distance Himself further from Earth and its inhabitants than before we were dominated by selfishness, self-indulgence, self-exaltation, self-preservation, etc. During the first 4,000 years the Son sat on a heavenly throne that was set up between the entrance of the sanctuary in heaven and God’s most holy precinct where He was always enthroned. From His new throne apart from His Father with whom He had always shared the warmest, father-son embrace, He must govern over the contumacious children of Adam under the tremendous desire to save us from destruction. During the old covenant four millennia He must reign in His Father’s place, dispensing justice with unlimited mercy.
After 4,000 years the Son spoke the blessed words, “A body hast Thou prepared Me.” Now the Son, who before had mediated for us, mediated among us. For 33 years He won our hearts and reconnected hearts and minds and bodies to His Father. Then, He fulfilled the beautiful lesson that He had taught, “Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
He took our bullet. He took all the power of the Almighty because we couldn’t take it and benefit from it. But, because He took all the outrage of the Father for billions of the darkest lives of sin, it evaporated the eternal life His Father had given Him.
Now we can touch Him who touches the overwhelming God of almighty power. And our reconciled connection to God doesn’t destroy us.
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! HOW unsearchable are HIS judgments, and HIS ways past finding out!
For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been HIS counsellor?
Or who hath first given to HIM, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?
For of HIM, and through HIM, and to HIM, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.”
(Rom. 11:33-36).
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