
“Oh, the unspeakable greatness of that exchange,—the Sinless One is condemned, and he who is guilty goes free; the Blessing bears the curse, and the cursed is brought into blessing; the Life dies, and the dead live; the Glory is whelmed in darkness, and he who knew nothing but confusion of face is clothed with glory.”

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Location: Kingsland, Georgia, United States

A person God turned around many times.

Sunday, September 06, 2020

A Spectrum article

I just read an interesting piece from the sometime critical (my opinion) magazine Spectrum. The article is

I appreciated this very honest examination of the author's experience in accepting Ellen White as a veritable messenger of God. And, of course, many SDAs chimed with their similar experiences. I wanted to add a comment, but couldn't figure out how to join in so I'll put my comment on this post.

In my experience with the Spirit of Prophecy and personal Bible study, and from a perspective I have gained over the years, I have come to find a principle espoused by Paul, that the letter killeth.

The letter killeth when it is only two dimensional words without the Spirit/voice of Jesus. The letter killeth because it, by itself, provides no indicators beyond blunt information. But being made in God's image, we are relational creatures, not machines. We lose a lot if we don't hear voice inflection in the communication. 

Without us hearing a voice the communication is easily misunderstood. This especially comes into play when a disagreeable subject arises--the need to align with the high standards of Jehovah, which involves "doctrine,... reproof,... correction,... instruction in righteousness" (2Tim. 3:16).

Recently I was in good rapport with a former Adventist who has joined a non-denominational church. When we spoke on the phone we had a beautiful conversation. She wanted to rehash a video that she believed explained her view on the secret rapture and seven year tribulation. This I was happy to do but we ended the phone call because it was late. The conversation had been congenial, and her confusion on the scriptural mechanics, which attempted to prove the secret rapture formula, were beginning to give way to the revelation that the scriptures have been mishandled in order to come up with a secret rapture and seven year tribulation. She only needed one more close in examination of Daniel 9:26,27.

But, then my horrible mistake. I decided to text her rather than call her concerning the Daniel 9:26,27. She began to respond via text, and almost immediately the whole conversation got confusing with big chunks of text thrown back and forth, her getting defensive, and me trying to put out the raging wildfire. She became irate and suspicious toward my attempt to change her mind, and I had to call off the whole study. Maybe the study will happen again in the future, but I will insist it be by phone, with at least voice. Never ever again by text.

Just as with the letter and the Spirit, text alone killeth, but voice giveth life.

Now let's turn to the writings of Ellen White because the principle of letters killing needs to be applied to the reading of the Spirit of Prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus. We need to know Jesus or we will not find th
e counsel of Ellen White acceptable. Just as many reject the Bible because they can't hear or see Jesus in it, no differently must we be full of love for Jesus or we reject Ellen White.

We can't love Him unless He first loves us. And His love comes to us by His Spirit.

Yet His Spirit comes to us after we have sweat equity in the Law, which in these last days is the Spirit of Prophecy.


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