The old world order
I'm looking at a well worn, discolored 1994 quarter. For some reason it gives me a sense of peace. It represents a time before 9/11 took away half of our Bill of Rights. Since 9/11 we've traveled on a path fraught with events that have hacked at the American way of life.
Now I, and multitudes more, feel like the end has arrived. The new world order is just about to be sprung upon us. Masks on everybody! Almost. I'm avoiding it. Today I went to a Lowe's that had a sign that said, "Please wear a mask." I didn't and no one stopped me. It's still optional there, for the present. But, a half hour later, the manager of a different store drove me out for not wearing a mask. I barely had time to ask if masks were optional.
Why not just wear one to make the people happy? Because that means that I will naturally subject myself to the next requirements that are in the offing, ultimately taking a global vaccine, letting "them" inject me with a substance that I believe will most definitely damage my body temple, which is bought with the precious blood of Christ. Whoever damages the temple of God, him will God destroy. If I give you permission to damage my body then I have damaged my temple, and God will destroy me.
Besides that issue, the whole pandemic is a fraud that "they" are using to condition us to comply with everything that will prevent the Great revival and loud cry of the latter rain.
Who are "they"? Revelation 17 lays it all out for us, albeit in symbolic language. There we see a woman who, at the end of chapter is called Babylon and is pictured as the world's most imperious whore, self-seeking, merciless, deadly, drunken with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
She is an apostate church, as it is written,
"I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ." (2Cor. 11:2).
"I somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy love. Remember thahavenderefore from whence thou art fallen, repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place." (Rev. 2:4,5).
"The mystery of iniquity doth already work." (2Thess. 2:7).
And, once ensconced in her, the great adversary would not let go till the very end of time, "whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming." (2Thess. 2:8).
And Babylon the great is riding a beast that has seven extra heads besides it's own. And its own head, the eighth head according to verses 8 and 11, ascends out of the bottomless pit and goes into perdition. Today, we are near enough to the end that, although the eighth head, the full-fledged head of the murderous beast that reigned in the dark ages, is not yet in power, we can recognize the signs of it's approach.
But the Adventists don't fight the Beast. The Lord has set aside the symbolic ten horns for that. Like the Jews in Babylonian captivity being delivered by the Persians, the ten kings of Revelation 17 deliver and guard God's people physically, while the angels deliver them spiritually and prepare them for the difficult gospel preaching.
Are we getting ready to preach the gospel to the whole world, for a witness to all nations? Is this plandemic scare waking you up to prepare to participate in the great preaching at the end?
Now I, and multitudes more, feel like the end has arrived. The new world order is just about to be sprung upon us. Masks on everybody! Almost. I'm avoiding it. Today I went to a Lowe's that had a sign that said, "Please wear a mask." I didn't and no one stopped me. It's still optional there, for the present. But, a half hour later, the manager of a different store drove me out for not wearing a mask. I barely had time to ask if masks were optional.
Why not just wear one to make the people happy? Because that means that I will naturally subject myself to the next requirements that are in the offing, ultimately taking a global vaccine, letting "them" inject me with a substance that I believe will most definitely damage my body temple, which is bought with the precious blood of Christ. Whoever damages the temple of God, him will God destroy. If I give you permission to damage my body then I have damaged my temple, and God will destroy me.
Besides that issue, the whole pandemic is a fraud that "they" are using to condition us to comply with everything that will prevent the Great revival and loud cry of the latter rain.
Who are "they"? Revelation 17 lays it all out for us, albeit in symbolic language. There we see a woman who, at the end of chapter is called Babylon and is pictured as the world's most imperious whore, self-seeking, merciless, deadly, drunken with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
She is an apostate church, as it is written,
"I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ." (2Cor. 11:2).
"I somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy love. Remember thahavenderefore from whence thou art fallen, repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place." (Rev. 2:4,5).
"The mystery of iniquity doth already work." (2Thess. 2:7).
And, once ensconced in her, the great adversary would not let go till the very end of time, "whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming." (2Thess. 2:8).
And Babylon the great is riding a beast that has seven extra heads besides it's own. And its own head, the eighth head according to verses 8 and 11, ascends out of the bottomless pit and goes into perdition. Today, we are near enough to the end that, although the eighth head, the full-fledged head of the murderous beast that reigned in the dark ages, is not yet in power, we can recognize the signs of it's approach.
But the Adventists don't fight the Beast. The Lord has set aside the symbolic ten horns for that. Like the Jews in Babylonian captivity being delivered by the Persians, the ten kings of Revelation 17 deliver and guard God's people physically, while the angels deliver them spiritually and prepare them for the difficult gospel preaching.
Are we getting ready to preach the gospel to the whole world, for a witness to all nations? Is this plandemic scare waking you up to prepare to participate in the great preaching at the end?
Thank you so much my David for keeping on posting, its a pleasure
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