Jove/Jovis/Jupiter/Yahweh (I wrote a post on this subject in the past)
Jovis, the Old and medieval Latin variant derived from Sanskrit Djovis, meaning "sky god or bright god of heaven (perhaps reference to the sun-god)," occurs as genitive case, MerchT 2224; CCL 232.
Jove, otherwise known as Jupiter, was the chief god of the Roman pantheon. The
name Jo-ve became a poetic alternative after Jupiter gained precedence during
the Roman classical period.
Jupiter, derived from
Sanskrit Dyaus-pater, Ju=sky + pater=father "sky-father," occurs once
initially, HF II.642; nine times in medial positions, HF I.215, 464; II.955; Tr
II.233; IV.669, 1683; LGW 1806, 2585; Form Age 57; and throughout the
Astrolabe. Jupiteres, the ME genitive case, occurs once, in medial position, HF
I.199. Juppiter occurs in medial positions, KnT 2442, 2786, 2792, 3035, 3069,
3934, 3942; SNT 364, 413; CYT 828.
Jove is the name of the
supreme god of the pagans. His image is that of a bearded older man in
the figure called Zeus.
**Dievs - Vedic/Indu,
**Dyaus - Greek/Zeus, Dios
**Deus - Latin/Jove, Jupater (Jupiter)
**Jove - Hebrew/YHVH (Yahweh)
**Iao - Greece/Ionians, "Iao-ians," "Yah-o-ians"
**Jivah - Sanskt, sky god (u=yava/java) same as Jihvah
**Dyaus - Greek/Zeus, Dios
**Deus - Latin/Jove, Jupater (Jupiter)
**Jove - Hebrew/YHVH (Yahweh)
**Iao - Greece/Ionians, "Iao-ians," "Yah-o-ians"
**Jivah - Sanskt, sky god (u=yava/java) same as Jihvah
ZOOS, e-o-ve (yah-o-ve),
Ju-pater, de-os, his poetic name was ZEN an in Babylon Sin id+ LIFE and LIVING
known as "THE THUNDERER" He holds lightening bolts in his right hand Names gr ZEUS = god of the heavens (sky) gr DIOS
genitive of ZEUS sp DIOS god, stands for any god lat DEUS god, stands for any
god DEI god, stands for any god skt DYAUS sky day skt JIVAH sky god (yava/java)
sp DIA day ukr DEN day DIA action idea DIACH creator BOH god, lord heb JOVE
god, (Amorite Yahwi) YHVH yah-o-ve, yahoveh, yahweh, yihavah, Yahouah, Yahuwah,
Egypt IAH god, sky god, yah moon god
The Roman Jove is a
unique god whose recognition is often clouded by religious zealots who do not
want his true identity to be known. It appears his deity was grafted into
the Roman culture where he became identified as the Greek IAO. Zeus is
the Greek god of the earth. He is said to have created the first woman
Pandora and also the god who sent a world-wide flood to destroy mortals.
Jupiter is the Roman counterpart of Zeus. Jove is associated with
Zeus, Jupiter, and Yahweh.
The name Jove first
appears to be the name of a Jewish god whom the Israelites in their apostasy
borrowed from the Babylonian Ia or Ya. This god was adopted by the Jews
from among the Amorites and Cannanites and commonly referred to as Yahwi but in
title as Baal. The consort of Jove or Baal was Ashtoreth. Ashtoreth is
the counterpart of the Greek goddess Hera and the Roman goddess Juno (for whom
June is named and the origin of June brides). The son of Jove/Baal and
Ashtoreth was Tammuz. In the Greek pantheon, Ashtoreth is recognized as
Hera/Juno. Tammuz is recognized as Apollo.
Who then is Jove?
According to some
scholars Jove is pronounced Jo-ve. Some say the letter "J" is
not correct since they claim there was no letter "J" or "J"
sound until the 15th century AD. The sound of the letter "J" goes
back at least 4,000BC. It is the letter "J" that is modern for which
the sound now stands. So they replace the letter "J" with the letter
"I" to form "Iove". These same scholars then claim
that the Greek "I" is the same as the Hebrew "Y" or yod and
thus the name appears as "Yove" and pronounced by some as
"ya-o-ve." Some Yahwist claim that the letters YHWH are each
pronounced as "Y=e; H=ah; W=o H=ah to form "e-ah-o-ah."
The tetragrammaton YHVH
would then be "e-ah-va-ah." With the Greek/Roman Jove we can
see it would be pronounced as "J-ah-va-ah." And taking the
"Jah" and converting the "J" to a "Y" we would
then have "Yah" and finally "Yah-va-ah." If we
convert the "v" into a "w" as is done between YHVH and YHWH
the name would be "Yah-wa-ah" or "Yahwaah."
Jove is then none other
than Yahwah or Yahweh. Some scholars claim that the Greek "Jo"
when compared to renderings in the Septuagint (LXX) is "Yah" so that
we have Jo-Yah and thus Jove is Yah-ve.
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