The end of America: A bitter administration under Baal and then Ashtoreth’s rule by decree
Many people have already seen the predictions of Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton
in the popular cartoon, The Simpsons. In one episode during the year 2000,
Secretary of Treasury Milhouse under President Lisa playing Mrs. Clinton, shows
a graph of the America’s economy in ruins following Mr. Trump’s administration.
This has many deeply concerned because of other predictions from the cartoon
that have come true.
This must describe the last plagues, not only upon America, but upon every nation. The whole world will follow after the Vatican and worship Satan by worshiping the Pope and his pagan religion. “All the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” (Rev 13:3,4).
Therefore, based on much evidence from various authors of history and from Bible prophecy, I conclude that Donald Trump will make life so unbearable for Protestant Americans that by the end of one term—if it lasts 4 years—they will hail his nicer, motherly successor, Hillary Clinton. Then we will see a new Constitution put in place to protect against the hard-line austerity measures of Mr. Trump. Simultaneously, the previous and dug-in union of all denominations to the mother Church will instate a religious cure to a church-disillusioned, gun-wielding, and crumbling nation that must use enforcement of church attendance by Sunday legislation.
My interpretation of this
must relate to what Christ foretold of the future. “This gospel of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then
shall the end come. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,
spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let
him understand:) then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains” (Matt.
Protestant America is the
only and final levee against a hostile tidal wave of Vatican power. Before the
end of America’s protection from the Vatican, the Latter Rain, which is the
call of the fourth angel to come out of Babylon, will take place. Once every
soul has decided for service to the God of love or service to Satan; once each
is for the Protestant religion of faith and the Bible or spiritualism, the New
Age, and Spiritual Formation, then the end will come. That end will begin with
the setting up of the abomination of desolation.
In Revelation 13:1-10 we see
two beasts representing this abomination of desolation. The first beast, the
Roman Papacy, had ten horns and reigned for 1,260 years during the Dark Ages, from
538 to 1798 AD. But the attempt to captivate the world by Satan, the Great Red
Dragon, was stalled by Protestant America, the second beast of Revelation
13:11-18, which Jesus raised up in 1794 to begin its role as global obstacle to
Satan’s earthly kingdom of the Papacy (Vatican). But, according to the
prophecy, Protestant America, the second beast with two peaceful horns of a
lamb, changes its loyalty from peace with God to the very occult wickedness
that it began to fight against.
There we are today.
Protestant America, the second beast, has betrayed the God of love who
established Protestant America to protect the world from the old despot from
the Dark Ages. The denominations have severed their ties of the past, and are
uniting again with their old enemy from the days of terror. They believe the
kindly faces of the Vatican, even though the Vatican has changed none of its rebellion
against the Bible’s clear requirements. Even the name Vatican descends from the
most archaic times of ancient Rome and its Vatican Hill of wild, raging
One dictionary gives this
breakdown of the word vatic:
\ ‘vad·ik\ adj [L vates seer, prophet + E – ic; akin to OIr fāith seer, poet, OE wōth voice, song, poetry, wōd mad, raging, OHG wuot frenzy, madness, ON ōthr, n., song, poetry, ōthr, adj., frantic, mad, Goth woths possessed] : of, relating to,
or characteristic of a prophet : prophetical, oracular
On October 31 of this year
the Lutheran Church will sign a peace accord with the Church of Rome. Already
Protestant America is corrupted beyond fixing. However, to return to the
adversarial power that the God of heaven protected us from is to kick our
heavenly Father.
We have repeated the history
of Israel:
“As an eagle stirreth up her
nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them,
beareth them on her wings:
So the LORD alone did lead
him, and there was no strange god with him.
He made him ride on the high
places of the earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields; and he made
him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock;
Butter of kine, and milk of
sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the
fat of kidneys of wheat; and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape.
But Jeshurun waxed fat, and
kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with
fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of
his salvation.
They provoked him to jealousy
with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger.
They sacrificed unto devils,
not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom
your fathers feared not.
Of the Rock that begat thee
thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.” (Deut. 32:11-18).
What can we expect next?
After we have established the reunion with the high priest of paganism in the
nation called by God’s name, what can we expect from Him who has been so good
to us? What will He have to say when His faithful children who choose to remain
true to His one biblical, holy religion of Protestantism are called terrorists
and persecuted with imprisonment, torture, and death? What will God do?
“And when the LORD saw it, he
abhorred them, because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters.
And he said, I will hide my
face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward
generation, children in whom is no faith.
They have moved me to
jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their
vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I
will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.
For a fire is kindled in mine
anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with
her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.
I will heap mischiefs upon
them; I will spend mine arrows upon them.
They shall be burnt with
hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will
also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the
The sword without, and terror
within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with
the man of gray hairs.” (Deut. 32:19-25).
This must describe the last plagues, not only upon America, but upon every nation. The whole world will follow after the Vatican and worship Satan by worshiping the Pope and his pagan religion. “All the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” (Rev 13:3,4).
“When the leading churches of
the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in
common, shall influence the state to enforce their decrees and to sustain their
institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman
hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably
result.” The Great Controversy, p.
“…Romanism as a system is no
more in harmony with the gospel of Christ now than at any former period in her
history. The Protestant churches are in great darkness, or they would discern
the signs of the times. The Roman Church is far-reaching in her plans and modes
of operation. She is employing every device to extend her influence and
increase her power in preparation for a fierce and determined conflict to
regain control of the world, to re-establish persecution, and to undo all that
Protestantism has done. Catholicism is gaining ground upon every side. See the
increasing number of her churches and chapels in Protestant countries. Look at
the popularity of her colleges and seminaries in America, so widely patronized
by Protestants. Look at the growth of ritualism in England and the frequent
defections to the ranks of the Catholics. These things should awaken the
anxiety of all who prize the pure principles of the gospel.” The Great Controversy, p. 565.
“Protestants have tampered
with and patronized popery; they have made compromises and concessions which
papists themselves are surprised to see and fail to understand. Men are closing
their eyes to the real character of Romanism and the dangers to be apprehended
from her supremacy. The people need to be aroused to resist the advances of
this most dangerous foe to civil and religious liberty….” The Great Controversy, p. 566.
“It is Satan’s constant
effort to misrepresent the character of God, the nature of sin, and the real
issues at stake in the great controversy. His sophistry lessens the obligation
of the divine law and gives men license to sin. At the same time he causes them
to cherish false conceptions of God so that they regard Him with fear and hate
rather than with love. The cruelty inherent in his own character is attributed
to the Creator; it is embodied in systems of religion and expressed in modes of
worship. Thus the minds of men are blinded, and Satan secures them as his
agents to war against God. By perverted conceptions of the divine attributes,
heathen nations were led to believe human sacrifices necessary to secure the
favor of Deity; and horrible cruelties have been perpetrated under the various
forms of idolatry.” The Great Controversy,
p. 569.
“The Roman Catholic Church,
uniting the forms of paganism and Christianity, and, like paganism,
misrepresenting the character of God, has resorted to practices no less cruel
and revolting. In the days of Rome’s supremacy there were instruments of
torture to compel assent to her doctrines. There was the stake for those who
would not concede to her claims. There were massacres on a scale that will
never be known until revealed in the judgment. Dignitaries of the church
studied, under Satan their master, to invent means to cause the greatest
possible torture and not end the life of the victim. In many cases the infernal
process was repeated to the utmost limit of human endurance, until nature gave
up the struggle, and the sufferer hailed death as a sweet release.
Such was the fate of Rome’s
opponents. For her adherents she had the discipline of the scourge, of
famishing hunger, of bodily austerities in every conceivable, heart-sickening
form. To secure the favor of Heaven, penitents violated the laws of God by
violating the laws of nature. They were taught to sunder the ties which He has
formed to bless and gladden man’s earthly sojourn. The churchyard contains
millions of victims who spent their lives in vain endeavors to subdue their natural
affections, to repress, as offensive to God, every thought and feeling of
sympathy with their fellow creatures…. The
Great Controversy, p. 569.
“And let it be remembered, it
is the boast of Rome that she never changes. The principles of Gregory VII and
Innocent III are still the principles of the Roman Catholic Church. And had she
but the power, she would put them in practice with as much vigor now as in past
centuries. Protestants little know what they are doing when they propose to
accept the aid of Rome in the work of Sunday exaltation. While they are bent
upon the accomplishment of their purpose, Rome is aiming to re-establish her
power, to recover her lost supremacy. Let the principle once be established in
the United States that the church may employ or control the power of the state;
that religious observances may be enforced by secular laws; in short, that the
authority of church and state is to dominate the conscience, and the triumph of
Rome in this country is assured.
God’s word has given warning
of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and the Protestant world will
learn what the purposes of Rome really are, only when it is too late to escape
the snare. She is silently growing into power. Her doctrines are exerting their
influence in legislative halls, in the churches, and in the hearts of men. She
is piling up her lofty and massive structures in the secret recesses of which
her former persecutions will be repeated. Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is
strengthening her forces to further her own ends when the time shall come for
her to strike. All that she desires is vantage ground, and this is already
being given her. We shall soon see and shall feel what the purpose of the Roman
element is. Whoever shall believe and obey the word of God will thereby incur
reproach and persecution.” The Great
Controversy, p. 581.
Therefore, based on much evidence from various authors of history and from Bible prophecy, I conclude that Donald Trump will make life so unbearable for Protestant Americans that by the end of one term—if it lasts 4 years—they will hail his nicer, motherly successor, Hillary Clinton. Then we will see a new Constitution put in place to protect against the hard-line austerity measures of Mr. Trump. Simultaneously, the previous and dug-in union of all denominations to the mother Church will instate a religious cure to a church-disillusioned, gun-wielding, and crumbling nation that must use enforcement of church attendance by Sunday legislation.
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