Hiding from the vaccine
“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.” (Rev. 17:10).
What should a person do if he believes that the Covid vaccine is against every principle of the Bible, yet the law of the land says he must have it injected into his cells? What should he do? Notwithstanding that, the ruckus over a purported pandemic is only a smoke-screen for a much more gargantuan, true pandemic, the Great Reset. While the Covid virus is real, the truth has been out since the purported pandemic started that the numbers have been terribly skewed in order to fabricate an emergency and cause herd reactions, undiscriminating and hysterical. So, no, the Covid pandemic is imaginary and even nefarious. With deception being out in the open now, it must be wisdom to distrust everything that comes down from on high. Nothing is as it appears. Everything in this world, outside of faith in God’s goodness, is a strong delusion.
In the past, new strides for the Papal-Jesuit capture of the whole earth for Satan have been accomplished by military conflicts, wars, and world wars. But this preliminary effort toward the final global dominance is being instituted by a faked pandemic. Certainly, people are getting sick. But, they don’t die unless their lifestyles were filled with unhealthy practices and they had a precondition. They were teetering on the edge of the grave, and didn’t know it, like many heart attacks and strokes that happen while engaging in overexertion, which if the physical constitution were healthy such activity would otherwise be beneficial.
And at this point the corona virus is only a little worse than a seasonal flu. But, it is soon to be increasingly weaponized. This will mean for the people who trusted the vaccination that the vaccine will need to be boosted each year (?), each month (?), each week (?), until all who trusted in man rather than in God are incapacitated, physically or mentally or morally or spiritually, or all of the above. Cursed is the man that trusteth in man, whose heart departeth from the Lord.
“You don’t trust science”, someone accused me recently. But, he was coming from a wrong premise, that is, “I should trust the scientific community, like he does”. But, I think of 9/11. He believes that the World Trade Center buildings #1 and #2 fell by one airliner hitting each, when both buildings were built to withstand multiple crashes. They were armor plated, top to bottom. One plane could not bring them down; and the high tensile steel used in the Twin Tours could not be melted by jet fuel, which is kerosene. The designer ran in to help people escape the fires. He wasn't concerned with the structure because he knew how strong the buildings were. And he died in the collapse. Deception upon deception was the order of the day. Still today, deception is perpetuated in World Trade Center 1. Evidence and testimonies that proved bombs had exploded during the buildings’ collapses were completely ignored by the government agencies in charge of investigating the case. And World Trade Center building 7 collapsed but had never suffered a plane crash. Larry Silverstein said it should be “pulled”. While leaving the public under the belief that WTC7 fell as a result of the general holocaust that day, later when he was cross-examined, the story changed to Mr. Silverstein giving the order to collapse, or “pull”, WTC7. How does a fire department take down such a massive skyscraper in less than five hours, like they could a house, and it land neatly in its footprint? Such a claim is far from reality. Instead, nano-thermite was found all throughout the WTC7 rubble, just like it did WTC1 and 2, pointing to military grade incendiaries.
Concerning the impossibility of pulling the skyscraper into its footprint in five hours, one website on controlled demolitions informs us that “carrying out such a demolition involves painstaking preparation. It can take up to six months to survey the structure and prepare it for the blast by removing non-load bearing walls, weakening support structures and fitting the charges.” This was referring to a 29 floor department store, but, much more must six months apply to WTC7, which was a 42 floor monstrosity.
And with regard to the thermite used for demolition charges, we have this excerpt:
“Nano-thermite explosives shown above were gathered from the WTC debris shortly after the towers fell on 9/11. Brigham Young University Physics Professor, Dr. Steven Jones, discovered the explosives and joined an international team of nine scientists for further analysis. Through extensive laboratory testing, the scientists concluded that the samples were Nano-thermitic explosives. After a rigorous peer-review process, their paper was published in the Bentham Chemical Physics Journal, which has been endorsed by Nobel Laureates and is respected within the scientific community.
The paper's first author is Dr. Niels Harrit, a 37-year Professor of Chemistry at Copenhagen University in Denmark and an expert in Nano-chemistry, who says, ‘The official account put forth by NIST violates the fundamental laws of physics.’” Urgent: Scientists Discover Nano-Thermite Explosives in 9 ...
The same science whose scientists stonewalled the eyewitnesses of bomb blasts that rocked the whole lobby of each WTC1 and 2, and who returned no response to the nano-thermite evidence is the same science that dismisses much evidence in archaeology and geology that would lead to the conclusion of catastrophism. But the highest places in the scientific community refuse to accept catastrophism. Every objective researcher of nature that finds hard evidence that could lead to catastrophism is treated as a whistleblower. Is this a sophisticated version of suppressing faith by removing evidence, and having the same effect as the burning of Bibles and heretics in the Dark Age? Being that the resulting loss of faith is the same, could it be that the National Academy of Science and its scientific leadership are the same organization that burned the Bibles and its preachers?
Why should Americans believe the science put out by our government agencies, when history shows that the most influential, and thus most powerful, government agencies are run by the enemy of the Protestant American people? The enemy has control of every highest seats in the U.S. government and in the governments around the world. If such science rejects all the evidence that would expose their “fierce and determined conflict to regain control of the world” Great Controversy, p. 565, then why should any American trust the brand new (although approved by the FDA, not rigorously tested on animals with success) vaccine? Despite all that Juliette Kayyem, Harvard faculty chair of the homeland-security program published in a newspaper article yesterday, “Vaccine Refusers Don’t Get to Dictate Terms Anymore”, my choice, and the choice of less than 30 percent of America (approximately 90 million, estimating from Juliette Kayyem’s statistics), to refuse the untested vaccine are not based on “feelings” as she accuses, but on the upper echelon’s nefarious history of the past hundred years, especially the last twenty.
But, with the FDA dictating an unfounded dictum, and the Harvard chair backing the FDA and the OHS soon to roar like a dragon, there is no other choice for those who fear the injection from the coming New World Order. That choice must be, once the vaccine becomes mandatory, to hide as long as possible, call up the precious promises, and to pray.
“And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.” (Rev. 17:10).
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