Comment on a "Jesus is truth" video
Your first testimony is so
amazing and genuine. I was still astounded by it when your Facebook site showed
I can’t forget the way you
painted a picture with words, “ that moment, wow, like every cell in my
body, every fiber of my being just rejoiced.”
What a moving statement! It
came from this larger context,
“Jesus, You are real! You
died for us! You’re our Saviour! And through You we get to Christ our Father,
and this is God! This is God—surrendering to Jesus!” And in that moment, wow,
like every cell in my body, every fiber of my being just rejoiced. It just was
like, “Thank God she’s got it! Thank God she’s finally accepted it!” And my
heart was flooded with this light and this love.” Everyone needs to watch this
Before I saw your testimony I
was watching other testimonies and transposing (transcribing) them and putting them on my blog.
So I did the same with yours.
Do you think that, “Thank God
she’s got it! Thank God she’s finally accepted it!”, was your human
interpretation of the angels praising God at that moment, their praises transported
to you through the Spirit?
“Likewise, I say unto you,
there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”
(Luke 15:10).
And that spiritual light, was
it from the angels?
“Are they not all ministering
spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Heb
Just something to think
about. And something so precious as our first surrender to Jesus needs to be
our benchmark for the spiritual experiences later on. Sort of a calibrator, so
that we aren’t handed a counterfeit that seems right, but the ends thereof can
become the ways of death.
I believe there is wisdom in
keeping close to the experience we had when it was ever so obvious that real providence
was at work, and a real, permanent connection was made with heaven. Like
Israelites’ deliverance from Egyptian bondage, which they forgot and eventually
were led off into spiritualism. Our whole testimony is a barrier against Satan
and his hosts. This is not to set the power of biblical truth aside. The words
that Jesus put in the Bible are spirit and they are life.
True, our testimony doesn’t
rank up there with scripture, but without it we can loose the strength of
authority we hold in the scriptures. There is nothing more relevant than the
Bible to everyone seeking God through Christ. Why can’t the Bible writers’
testimony parallel ours?
Godspeed, sister.
In Christ,
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