Sanctification without justification, an abomination
all the troubles on earth?
the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that
they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants
the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great;
and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” (Rev. 11:18).
see a lot of trouble coming on the world. Peaceful societies are being
overthrown and ravaged militarily, economically, morally, et cetera. Where does
it all come from? The Bible has but one answer: Babylon.
there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with
me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the
great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of
the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit
upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads
and ten horns.
the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and
precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations
and filthiness of her fornication:
upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF
I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the
martyrs of Jesus” (Rev. 17:1-6).
Babylon was not born yesterday. It has had a very long history. Technically it
began right after the flood under rebels Nimrod, Cush, and Ham. But, spiritually,
“Babylon” began shortly after Adam and Eve left the garden.
Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have
gotten a man from the LORD.
she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a
tiller of the ground.
in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the
ground an offering unto the LORD.
Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.
And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and
his countenance fell.” (Gen. 4:1-5).
is essentially the start of Babylon. And it has everything to do with the
problem we covered in the preceding post—sanctification before justification,
or rather, sanctification without justification.
didn’t want to slay a lamb for his shortcomings and mistakes. He didn’t see the
need for such a terrible sacrifice in his behalf. He “was alive without the
law” (Rom. 7:9); according to his self-assessment, he wasn’t real bad. But, unlike Paul, Cain never allowed the commandment’s
conviction to come into his conscience. And therefore sin never revived in him
and rose above his internal radar screen that would have alerted Cain of his
sinfulness and could have enabled him to begin the process of dying to self as Paul had.
killed his own conscience—“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked: who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9). It seems that all too often, the more
massive the fallen intellect, the more discerning the fallen heart is to prevent
the avenues which the Lord God uses to redeem us. The grace of Christ could have
no effect on Cain because he would not acknowledge his sin and look upon a
dying lamb, slain at his hands. Cain didn’t want justification with the Lord
God who had evicted him and his family from paradise. He had a grudge against the
Lord, and refused to let the Lord live it down. But, he did want to appraise
himself better than how the Lord God thought of him, stronger in conscience
than the Lord God had judged him. He wanted to be impervious to any arrow of shame
and guilt. So, by downward step after downward step Cain made his bed in hell;
nail by nail he nailed his own coffin shut.
wanted to be perfected without the Lord God. He didn’t want any of the Lord’s
assistance in anything. As far as Cain was concerned, the Lord God could be an
agnostic God, who would do His creative deeds and leave His creation to itself.
And, coming from a religious family (because that is all there was then), he
wanted to be sanctified without being justified. He wanted peace with God without
the Lord God’s requirement of repentance. Cain desired sanctification without
the Hebrew types, the sin offering involved a year old lamb. Once made guilty
by the Law, that lamb justified the sinner as he, by faith, saw the Son of God
laying down His life for the guilty one. As his knife robbed the life of the
precious little animal, the heart of the sinner broke. Then repentance was
forthcoming and the Spirit of the Lord entered in and redeemed his nature from sin. Then his
name could be restored to the book of life.
has mastered the science of keeping sinners from the sacrificed Lamb, from the
brokenness, guilt, and shame that are so painful to the cold conscience, from the
repentance that is so feared by the hardened heart that has no sympathy. Satan
has perfected the art of removing men far from the redemption that comes
through the everlasting covenant; and Cain was the devil’s first big prize. Evading
his “returning” (repentance and justification with the Lord God), Cain could
have no “rest”, “quietness”, “confidence”, “strength”. He could not “be saved”
(Isa. 30:15). Rather, a horrible “root of bitterness springing up” (Heb. 12:15)
troubled him, working emptiness and death not only into his conscience and
heart, but also upon a whole future world.
the time that he omitted the sacrificial lamb, Cain had no mercy and compassion
for others. We were created to be dependent on God, who would be the great
source of every good and perfect gift. Like the elder brother of the prodigal
son in Christ’s parable, Cain had no love for his subordinate sibling who received
the blessing of the Lord God and reflected His character.
his massive pride and stubbornness, Cain conceived himself to be holy enough to
act aright without being right, acting good without being good. His
righteousness was a pretence because it didn’t come naturally from a heart that
loved the Law of God. If he had loved the Law, then he would have obeyed the
second great commandment. He would have sought reconciliation with Abel. And he
never would have offered the fruit of the ground in place of an animal sacrifice,
contrary to the command of the Lord God.
realizing his open rebellion, he was claiming to have the spiritual blessings
of the Lord without self having died before receiving them. He claimed to have
life without first having lost his old body of death. We see this in that he
offered a peace offering without its preliminary sin offering.
the Mosaic Law, there were two offerings related to the redemption of the sinner.
But, one always preceded the other. The sin offering must be made before the peace
offering was made, and the sin offering must be an animal sacrifice. This is
because, as we noted earlier, it was the death of the baby lamb that broke the
proud heart, the rebellious nature, the self-will, all of which had been
created by the choice to sin. The ceremonial laws possessed a divine science for
redeeming the hearts from rebellion. These laws alone could make the Israelites
a kingdom of priests and a holy nation before the Lord. And if obeyed, those ceremonial
laws would have accomplished this mighty endeavor. Whenever Israel became world
renowned, it was due to the laws of the Lord.
meal, or “meat” offering (see Leviticus 2:4), or minchah, was to be a thank offering for having received the
forgiveness and blessing from heaven. No greater blessing can a human ever
receive than acceptance again with God through His Spirit. The minchah was about thanksgiving instead
of repentance, thankfulness that God gave repentance, saved and restored to the worshipper freedom and
personal power, enabling him again to face friends and reconcile with foes, and with a new, clean, strong conscience,
reassume his place in life.
sin offering need not continuely call to repent over the sin that had been atoned for. Christ
died once. Moses was to strike the Rock once. “So Christ was once offered to
bear the sins of many.” (Heb. 9:28). The sinner need not sacrifice an animal
over and over again and repeatedly repent for the same sin. Later, he would
return for another animal sacrifice, but not for the same sin. That sin was
atoned for by the first animal’s death.
and offering Thou didst not desire… burnt offering and sin offering hast Thou not
required.” (Ps. 40:6).
multitude of Lamb sacrifices and repentances for even the most heinous sin makes it
appear to the world that Christ’s offering is insufficient to forgive anyone
of his greatest failures. So, Satan works to remove faith in Christ’s merciful death in
order to make His people multiply their repentance. This prevents all the
redemption of Christ’s cross, and all the victories through Christ’s Spirit. Here many follow the inner voice of unbelief and
remain disabled by their sinful past, their evil unbelief tormenting them by an unrelenting
conscience, making them unwitting preachers of unbelief, and bringing dishonor instead of
powerful honor to their Redeemer. And Satan exults. This is what Daniel 8:11 shows.
faith will come out of simple heeding the Spirit and the Law of God, and being
brought to conviction of sin. That simple faith, built upon the promises of
God, will be able to believe God when He forgives sin. Faith in God’s mercy
will be built upon a life of dependence and communion with Him. Upon
forgiveness, trusting hearts will be filled with thankfulness and the desire to
offer praise to God for His goodness. This was the purpose and effect of the minchah.
the minchah assumes that the animal sin
offering was made, which brought the guilty sinner to repentance. The minchah cannot atone for sin and bring any sinner to repentance; only the sacrificed sin offering can cause repentance. Cain did
not conform to the will of God because he did not offer a lamb sin sacrifice. He went straight to the minchah and pretended to praise God for
salvation without humbling and repentance for sin, a salvation that can never happen without repentance. Christ’s salvation
causes the exaltation of His people among men. We reign as kings and pastors. But without the
first work of the humiliation of our heart through the offering of the Lamb,
any exaltation becomes dangerous indeed. God’s humiliation of the heart through
repentance is the only preventive for self-exaltation. Not a single soul among us
is safe to be exalted in the world who has not first been humbled by the Spirit
of truth. This has been demonstrated repeatedly throughout history, sacred history
and secular. Every abomination in the world has resulted from exaltation
without humiliation, a supposed justification which led to a supposed
sanctification, Satan promoting these self-righteous ones to high places among the moral elite.
the Spirit of God cannot bless the heart that is not broken by the Lamb, that
heart suffers under the wrath of God. “He that believeth on the Son hath
everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the
wrath of God abideth on him.” (John 3:36). That wrath is caused by the
departure of the Spirit of God and by the entrance of the spirit of Satan. And,
over time, the chastisement of peace grows more and more within the servant of
Satan. That root of bitterness, that gall and wormwood, slowly kills all life
in the heart and mind of the godless worshipper.
the misery is so great and the soul is so dead, that seeing others more
miserable and more tortured is all that can satisfy and bring some stimulation to
the dead heart and mind. Degrading others, abusing them for their mistakes and
shortcomings, corrupting them, hurting them, heapinf calumny upon their reputations, et
cetera, are all that give pleasure to the deadened souls of those who have
turned away from the Law of God, which brings us to need a Saviour from sin.
throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the
poison of asps is under their lips:
mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
feet are swift to shed blood:
and misery are in their ways:
the way of peace have they not known.” (Rom. 3:13-17).
peace with God, without humiliation and vulnerability and trusting in God’s
loving care, the children of men are doomed to a world of havoc. No sensual
substitute will satisfy the loss of God’s Spirit that abides in a converted
that disregards humiliation and justification is a false sanctification that ends
in spiritual fornication and abomination. “And upon her forehead was a name
THE EARTH.” (Rev. 17:5). Satan has the heart because God doesn’t. Repentance
would have opened the soul for the entrance of God’s Spirit. But, the peace
offering without its prerequisite sin offering closes the heart to God. Therefore
Satan enters the heart and fights to ensure that he retains his new victim.
Cain exalted himself by the disregard of the sin offering, and he offered peace
offerings only. Cain’s became a religion of peace offerings only. Once he had set
aside the sin offering, it never returned to his worship. He had broken the everlasting covenant. He became the first
high priest of false worship. He is the father of all occult worship. And, a worship
void of the sacrifice by a substitutionary sin offering led to another kind
of sacrifice to satisfy the suffocating soul—human sacrifices.
of that wicked one, and slew his brother.” (1Jn. 3:12). His brother became the
first human sacrifice—pleasing to Satan because it destroyed the substitutionary
sacrifice and redemption through Christ. It damned the one who conducted the human
sacrifice, and it needlessly silenced the voice and influence of the innocent one being
sacrificed. The destruction of God’s creation is just as Satan would have it.
is why Cain slew Abel. It is also why the woman who rides the beast drinks from
a cup full of martyrs’ blood. And it all has resulted from avoiding the Law, its
conviction of sin, and repentance. “For she saith in her heart, I sit a queen,
and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.” (Rev. 18:7).
sorrow for sin by evading the Law and the Lamb, and then going on to
sanctification, leads to murder. A dead, unrepentant heart leads to desolation
and destruction, conquest of multitudes and their captivity; it leads to the enslavement of self
and then of others.
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