Correcting a confusing YouTube video
The following testimony came from someone who was so excited to find again Bonnie Casey’s music, which had been a rope let down to her in her parents’ extremist group of Adventists. I am very happy that the Lord of hosts can reach every spiteful, rebellious, still stinging, yet searching, soul. I am also glad that other commenters encouraged her also, and one directed her to the authentic voice and original character of the beautiful Christian, young adult, Bonnie Casey. (And I have the feeling that Jesus isn’t finished with Bonnie! What she and the others in Take Three did for many thousands of Adventist young people will be seen again in the not distant Latter Rain.) This YouTube video maker, Deardarling, gave her background, but it left the impression (at least to me) that her experience was Bonnie’s. So I wrote a comment to encourage Deardarling, and also to correct a misconception to anyone else who might get confused as I did. Here is her testimony and my comment.
Where Does God Live Daddy? Bonnie Casey Cover
•Aug 6, 2011
77 subscribers
UPDATE: I found IT!!!! h t t p
:// I want to add a
little something about this song and my past. I don’t speak out about my
upbringing much anymore. ‘Time heals and even fades but the scars they never go
away and i remember ... i’ll always remember...’ a little girl making sure no
one else was around before she sang a song, THIS SONG, in the woods out of
earshot ... hiding my beautiful treasure and sharing it with the natural world
that kept me sane in a childhood quite literally base-camped in hell.
I grew up on communes completely isolated from society in the bosom of a fanatical group of Seventh Day Adventists. I’ll refrain from mentioning where ... it could have been any 1400 acres of Oakland just minutes from Lake Michigan. : )
My parents decided this song was too new age in its concept that God could be found in me if i searched (and i did so painfully search and search) and further more another Take Three song that would bring tears to my eyes as a child and make me feel safe and secure “love in a lulaby ... Sing to me sweet spirit come and rockabye my soul” ... that was love i just knew it .. but alas it was far too musically secular and didn’t stir up enough of a sense of being an unworthy sinner ever mindful of one’s need for God’s grace. They took the tape away but music is a gift ... lol .. as is my audiographic memory. The best gifts can’t be so easily taken from us and so it is that “I still remember ... I'll always remember and i’ll be singing this til i die”
One day a young girl sat upon Daddy’s knee If you could be God, Daddy, where would you be In a cloud? In a church? Or a boat on the sea? Or maybe a sycamore tree? Do you think you would live in a tree?
White clouds would be fine but they never leave heaven and churches are empty six days out of seven there’s not much to do when a boat on the sea and I don’t think I’d live in a tree, my child I don’t think I’d live in a tree
Then where does God live? Daddy where does he go? I do want to find him, I do want to know I’ve looked for him here and I’ve looked for him there and I’ve looked just about everywhere, now I’ve looked just about everywhere
Then listen my child, and the truth I will tell come out with your Daddy, come out to the well look deep in the water, now what do you see? Daddy, I only see me, she cried Why Daddy, I only see me
My child you may travel the sea or the sod and find many things but you'll never find God but if you will search with a heart that is true you will find he is living in you, my child you’ll find he is living in you
Bonnie Casey
I grew up on communes completely isolated from society in the bosom of a fanatical group of Seventh Day Adventists. I’ll refrain from mentioning where ... it could have been any 1400 acres of Oakland just minutes from Lake Michigan. : )
My parents decided this song was too new age in its concept that God could be found in me if i searched (and i did so painfully search and search) and further more another Take Three song that would bring tears to my eyes as a child and make me feel safe and secure “love in a lulaby ... Sing to me sweet spirit come and rockabye my soul” ... that was love i just knew it .. but alas it was far too musically secular and didn’t stir up enough of a sense of being an unworthy sinner ever mindful of one’s need for God’s grace. They took the tape away but music is a gift ... lol .. as is my audiographic memory. The best gifts can’t be so easily taken from us and so it is that “I still remember ... I'll always remember and i’ll be singing this til i die”
One day a young girl sat upon Daddy’s knee If you could be God, Daddy, where would you be In a cloud? In a church? Or a boat on the sea? Or maybe a sycamore tree? Do you think you would live in a tree?
White clouds would be fine but they never leave heaven and churches are empty six days out of seven there’s not much to do when a boat on the sea and I don’t think I’d live in a tree, my child I don’t think I’d live in a tree
Then where does God live? Daddy where does he go? I do want to find him, I do want to know I’ve looked for him here and I’ve looked for him there and I’ve looked just about everywhere, now I’ve looked just about everywhere
Then listen my child, and the truth I will tell come out with your Daddy, come out to the well look deep in the water, now what do you see? Daddy, I only see me, she cried Why Daddy, I only see me
My child you may travel the sea or the sod and find many things but you'll never find God but if you will search with a heart that is true you will find he is living in you, my child you’ll find he is living in you
Bonnie Casey
Dearydarling, I’m sorry for your experience with
SDAs who had misconceptions of what Jesus desires of His last day movement. I
believe you will come to learn that what the Advent movement actually received
from Jesus through His servant, Ellen White, is not what most of us have
experienced. We were handed down a distorted human construction of the genuine.
The same was true for the ancient Israelites. Dearydarling, you must go back,
and read for yourself what Mrs. White wrote. And you must wrestle with it
because it will cross your corrupted human nature, as it does for us all. It
was a message like no other except for Noah’s message to a world that was so
corrupted and wicked that it was about to be destroyed. And, today such is the
world’s condition again, but this time the world will be destroyed not by a
global flood, but by fire at Jesus’ return. Such a dire future for the human
race requires an insistent, constant voice of warning and instruction and
beautiful inspiration. That firm, strong, consistent, message so necessary for
beckoning deluded billions of hearts and minds in this final generation, is
what came from the world’s last prophet, Ellen White. What a treasure are her
warnings and reproofs to people high and low, male and female, old and young!
And what a blessing to everyone who receives it! Dearydarling, your childhood
testimony may remain a scar, but Jesus will heal it, as He did mine when I
looked for myself at the real intent of the Spirit of Prophecy and heard the
counsels from a loving mother of Israel. Go back to the Spirit of Prophecy and
look for yourself! And you must keep reading because it can take awhile to lose
the misdirected voices and faces from the past. We must all look for ourselves,
and keep looking.
To anyone who reads the above experience of
@UCfevV-zQOdP8sIWtsCjeMRA, please realize that it was her childhood not Bonnie
Casey’s, as I first thought! The song that dearydarling finally found was
Bonnie’s, however the singer on the video was not Bonnie, but (I believe) Kathy
Mattae. I want to clear that up because without explicit documentation on this
YouTube page, it gives the impression that Bonnie’s voice is heard, that the photo was of Bonnie, and that dearydarling’s childhood testimony was Bonnie’s.
Dearydarling, you are a precious
soul, truly a dear darling of Jesus, “greatly beloved” (Dan. 10:19), who
is going through the same throws as my own, and am coming through it for the
better. I now see that everything I have struggled with to know Jesus, even in
His tough love for my mischievous heart, has been His providential handiwork.
And I am sure He is overseeing your path too. Your testimony will be mine and
Job’s, “He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come
forth as gold.” (Job 23:10).
David Burdick 1 second ago
Dearydarling, I don’t mean to call you corrupt, or
that your human nature is corrupt and beyond hope. We all have been spoiled by
Satan and his temptations. And without the power of Christ’s love over our old
natures, to call us back, we are ruined. But, before we can need His love we
must see ourselves in all of our ugliness and be humbled beyond measure. The
humbling before the Spirit of truth opens us to Christ’s encouragement and
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