Our Adventist ship will go through
Hi L_______,
I appreciate your clearness of mind, heart, and soul.
Obviously, you have been the Lord’s workmanship and will continue to be. I
agree about the plight of the Fairfax church. I don’t believe the people who came
to the business meeting for the church’s sale have any idea of where this is
going. I don’t know what makes a quorum, but I’m sure that the plan to change
the attitude of Fairfax from very traditional to celebration is well thought
out, and all the protocols are known and followed so that loopholes like
protocol won’t spoil the plan. I say “plan” because I suspect this comes down
from the conference headquarters. And I believe that it comes down from an even
higher authority—Rome.
You see, Protestantism is in the crosshairs of its old
enemy; and, of all the denominations, which one is the biggest potential
problem after all the others defected back to Rome? We, Seventh-day Adventism, are
Rome’s problem. All the other sister denominations have gone back to mother,
beginning in 1844 or shortly thereafter, when the Lord cut them off as
institutions of biblical light. We remained the only channel of light to the
world. But, the war was on, and I see that war in Revelation 11:7. “And when
they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the
bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill
them.” The word, “kill” is not literal, but spiritual. Their loyalty to the Law
of God (the Spirit of Prophecy) and His Spirit of life in them would be
removed. It wouldn’t happen immediately, but over time. While Sr. White was
alive and keeping us in line with the will of God, the Beast (Rome) was making
war against us. But their overcoming us didn’t begin until after her death, and
our slow departure from the original message and power leached away. It’s the
same history as Israel’s after every major Israelite leader died.
Now, we are at the tail end of the Revelation 11 prophecy
and we are “killed”—as a group. The Lord has always had His 7,000 who have not
bent the knee to Baal and kissed him. And the Lord still has His people today,
in the Advent movement and sprinkled throughout Protestantism, in Catholicism,
and around the world in the other world religions and in no religion. All who
strive to overcome sin through the power of Jesus’ grace among the Seventh-day
Adventists will be part of the 144,000 who are spiritually resurrected in
Revelation 11:12, 13. That will be an exciting time because verse 13 shows the
world hearing the gospel from the 144,000. But, to be resurrected into the
144,000 we must strive to get with Jesus and have the faith of Jesus. The
144,000 who overcome the beast and his mark on their character will “keep the
commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” (Rev. 14:12). They will give the
last message to the world because they will be overcomers of self and will not
only delineate the path to salvation, but will exemplify salvation. They will
be sealed in obedience and faith. I want to be there, don’t you? To be sealed
means no more worry or cares of this world. It means to be “raised...up
together, and made [to] sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Eph.
2:6) and be “delivered....from the power of darkness, and...translated...into
the kingdom of [God’s] dear Son” (Col. 1:13), which is what the resurrection of
Revelation 11:12, 13 refer to. Revelation has a lot of the gospel hidden in its
symbolisms. Revelation is beautiful. It’s much more than history and it’s not
about pagan military campaigns. It’s about the close of human probation, and salvation with it seal of God and damnation with its mark of the Beast, and how to
go down either road, which ever we choose.
Back to the Fairfax church, I don’t think the congregation
knows that this is all a concerted effort to sweep away Adventism and replace
it with Evangelical celebration. I feel certain, in light of the events taking
place in the religious and political world today, that many of the Fairfax
congregation will join with so many other Adventist churches in the celebration
and Spiritual Formation movements. Both celebration and Spiritual Formation are
being pushed by our conference president and are identical to the apostasy of
Baal-Peor that the children of Israel experienced at the end of their wandering
just before leaving the wilderness to go over Jordon. That’s where we are
today, just about to leave our 170 year wandering during this investigative
judgment period while the Lord has been developing an army of faithful servants
like He did with the second generation of Israelites who came out of Egypt. We
are on the borders of the heavenly land of Canaan and will need to fight our
way in. “But I declare to you, my brethren and sisters in the Lord, it is a
goodly land, and we are well able to go up and possess it.” Early Writings, p.
The sale of the Fairfax church, like you suspect, will
become a galling financial yoke that will burden the members for many years. The
sale of Fairfax SDA could be ominous because even if they can sell both Fairfax
and Arlington churches for $8 million, at the business meeting we heard that
prices for half-way decent churches is in the range of $9.5-10 million. No one
in our congregation has ever seen the pricetag of a $1-2 million mortgage, I’m
sure. I haven’t. I don’t know the cost of the church you helped pay off, but
was it $2 million? From what the pastor
said, anything less than a $10 million building would be no different from what
we have now in the Fairfax church building.
One of the members who works in real estate tried to give a
warning, but the pastor cut her off from finishing her statement. She told me
after the business meeting that she had been a member of the Woodbridge church
which tried to sell and build a new church. She said that they took so long to
start the building that they spent all of their church sale profit on renting
another building. Now they have no more money and all they have is a church
building foundation to show for the whole mismanaged situation. So, a $1-2
million mortgage would be a heavy yoke for the Fairfax members to add to other
costs and may even result in complete abandonment by the members, and a resale
and loss of the new building. Then they will have no more church building, just
as Rome wants.
L_____, these are my opinions. And I am no financial wizard
or one to know how big mortgages get paid down. But I do know that we, the
Fairfax SDA church, are in the crosshairs of Rome, especially when you think of
our location. We know from Revelation 13:11ff that Protestant America will
assist in the domination of the world for Rome and her Inquisitions. Those
Inquisitions are already happening under the ruse of a war on terror (which is
really a war on religions, and it is a war that Rome is making), and training
for the Inquisition is happening in our mid-west states, even as I write this
email (Jade Helm 2015). For the next several weeks, they are practicing the
skill of blending in with the local communities by soldiers in civilian
clothing, getting information about suspects from the community, and searching
homes like happened at the Boston Marathon bombing. This is what happened
during the Inquisitions.
Washington DC will be the focus of much change because it is
hosting the reinstatement of the New Age papacy. This necessarily will require
all churches in its local area to be the first to be 100% loyal to Rome. This
is an identical scenario as Imperial Rome began to crumble and papal Rome was
emerging. There can be no dissident groups operating right in downtown Babylon.
And since all the Protestants have ceased to dissent (protest Rome’s
corruptions), and, to a large extent, so have their Adventist brethren ceased
the protest, everything is in place for Rome’s big celebration in 2017. That
will be the 500th anniversary of the year when Luther nailed up the famous 95
theses that began the Reformation, but the anniversary will celebrate Protestantism’s
demise. Yay!? :(
But, when you look closer at Revelation 11, comparing it
with Isaiah 51, you see that we’ve brought this on ourselves! Just as Israel
was conquered by Babylon and many other previous nations of their past,
Protestantism, Adventism, and Protestant Americans are being conquered because
we are doing just like ancient Israel did. Protestants and Adventists have left
their first love, we have loved the world and the customs of the world, and are
becoming worldly. As a movement, we don’t love God with all of our heart, mind,
and strength, and neither has the Religious Right. But, Adventism is copying their Protestant sisters. Our eye isn’t single to His
service. We don’t think, “O how love I Thy law! it is my meditation all the day.”
(Ps. 119:97). We meditate on the TV shows and sports and fashion and employment
with benefits, etc. Our bodies aren’t maintained so that they can be the
habitation of the heavenly agencies. We have brought our desolation upon
ourselves. But, the encouraging thing about this is that Jesus has laid it all
out for us and we can see how we have copied the same disobedience of the ancient Bible
peoples. Better than that, we also see how He delivered them from their captors
when they had had enough punishment, and we will be delivered too.
I really like these verses:
“And they that are left of you shall pine away in their
iniquity in your enemies’ lands; and also in the iniquities of their fathers
shall they pine away with them.
If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of
their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against Me, and that
also they have walked contrary unto Me;
And that I also have
walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their
enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of
the punishment of their iniquity:
Then will I remember My covenant with Jacob, and also My
covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I
will remember the [church].” (Lev. 26:39-42).
“...if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they
then accept of the punishment of their iniquity...” “You are proud, but I will
humble you!” Thems fightin’ words. They are also tough love! Real tough, but
good for us to hear. There is nothing better than hearing a strong, loving father, even
it it’s time for a whooping. We need to hear the threats of Leviticus 26 and
Deuteronomy 28 today. We need to know of the promises that were always built
into His threatening warnings before we go into the “storm” that will be “relentless
in it’s fury”. The Lord is still Lord of His people, the Advent movement. He means
business. He meant business in the Bible, and He means it today. This ship will
go all the way into His Father’s harbor with or without us. The going will be
rough, but let’s hang on for all we’re worth and stay in the boat! It will be a
time of trouble such as never was and if possible the very elect will be
deceived. The issues today are much, much bigger than the sale of the Fairfax
But, possibly He has His eye on our church building and it’s
people. Maybe I’m biased, but I sense that there is something special about
Fairfax SDA. I get the feeling that Fairfax is not the run-of-the-mill SDA
church. It has had a history that has been sacred with the Lord’s presence, and
maybe it will be a Stonewall Jackson that remains firmly rooted in the Advent
movement when all the bullets are flying around. Fairfax will be for all the
surrounding SDAs to see and to take heart and continue in His war against demon
and papal terrorism.
Take care, sister.
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