
“Oh, the unspeakable greatness of that exchange,—the Sinless One is condemned, and he who is guilty goes free; the Blessing bears the curse, and the cursed is brought into blessing; the Life dies, and the dead live; the Glory is whelmed in darkness, and he who knew nothing but confusion of face is clothed with glory.”

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Location: Kingsland, Georgia, United States

A person God turned around many times.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What can we expect in the Time of Trouble?

Let me share an idea new to me on the Time of Trouble. Let's take the erroneous theory of the Rapture and superimpose on it the warnings of the last true prophet given us by Christ before He comes for His pre-Judgment Day. According to the wildly popular eschatology timeline of the evangelical denominations, after the rapture and the first 3 ½ years of the tribulation…

“There is a growing movement among the Jews to turn to Christ. Many of them convert, and become last-minute evangelists who prepare the world for Jesus to come in glory and establish His kingdom on earth. Faced with relentless persecution by the forces of the Antichrist, they must work in the world’s most trying circumstances. Finally, the power of the Antichrist is ultimately broken when Christ returns in glory and destroys him.” (Shawn Boonstra, The Appearing, p. 56.)

After Christ returns with His church from 7 years in heaven He sets up His kingdom on earth.

“The millennium will be a time of both political and spiritual rule. Politically, it will be universal (Daniel 2:35), authoritative (Isaiah 11:4), and characterized by righteousness and justice, with assurances for the poor (Isaiah 11:3-5), and admonition and judgment for the violators of Messiah’s rule (Psalm 2:10-12).

“This literal earthly reign of Christ will also have spiritual characteristics. First and foremost it will be a reign of righteousness in which Christ will be King, reigning in absolute righteousness (Isaiah 32:1). It will also be a time when the fullness of the Spirit and the holiness of God will be manifested (Isaiah 11:25)….

“Everything from work to worship will be holy. Sin will be punished (Psalm 72:1-4; Zechariah 14:16-21) in an open, just way.” (ibid. p. 59).

Does this description give us a pretty clear picture of what to expect during the great time of trouble? Satan will have pulled off some kind of major disappearing act or give the semblance of it happening, in the long expected “secret rapture.”

Everyone who realizes he or she is still on earth will feel very nervous about not being raptured with all the other really spiritual church people, (whoever they were). In all seriousness, in the times ahead this world will be full of wild and delusive people despairing of being left behind, obsessing about soon-coming judgment day, and of the even sooner coming, greatly advertised brutal Hitler-like Antichrist and the great world-wide time of trouble he establishes.

The Vatican is posturing for this event. The pope must feel wonderfully relieved that all the attention in the religious world is not on him while he strategizes to be that Anti-christ, but the attention of all is diverted to some fictitious character fabricated by evangelical erring theologians. The whole rapture and pre-, post-trib pseudo-prophetic explanations are satanic inspired.

The devil himself will impersonate the coming of Christ. “He maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.” (Rev. 13:13). Although every eye doesn’t see his descent from space, and there is no earth-shattering sound of a trumpet that literally awakens the dead, the whole world is mesmerized by the supernatural display of power and convinced that this is the very Second Advent of Christ.

Then finalizes the trouble for those who have come to know Jesus personally and long to escape a world that has pushed away the Holy Spirit. Probation has closed for the world at this point. Now begins absolute devil-possession over the whole human population.

As Shawn has paraphrased from the authors of the Left-Behind series, “Politically, it will be universal, authoritative, and characterized by righteousness and justice, with assurances for the poor, and admonition and judgment for the violators of Messiah’s rule.” By “authoritative” we may substitute “tyrannical,” “despotic,” “dogmatic.” Sound like the Papacy?

Other than the twin Papal-Protestant union, what organization has reinterpreted the meaning of righteousness and justice to suit their ends of self-preservation by touting Bible terminology? They know best how to use the Bible to “call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Is. 5:20).

“Admonition and judgment for the violators of Messiah’s rule.” This sounds like a recipe for “The Holy Office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,” or previously known as the “Inquisition.” In the Dark Ages, if the heretics refused to be “admonished,” they were handed over to the civil government for torture and death.

“Everything from work to worship will be holy. Sin will be punished in an open, just way.” When a religious organization, such as the union of the Vatican and the fundamentalist Evangelical Protestants, can finally have its way, especially when Satan himself is posing as Christ and stands at their helm, everyone who speaks out against them will be swiftly and openly punished in a way they deem “just.”

When will all this take place? I don’t know. But I can say that at the rate at which the “rapture” theory is gaining acceptance in the Christian world and in the progress to unite church and state in America, signs of huge trouble loom bigger and bigger on our horizon.


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